Chapter 22

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Jordan's POV

I had to go to school today and I'm exited to see Andrea , she's really nice .

I arrived at school and their was Luke sitting at the front with his head in he's hand , I walked up to him and he looked at me and smiled

"You ok ?" I asked and he nodded " yeah just have massive hangover " I laughed " come on let's get some Panadol from the nurse " so I graved him by the hand and dragged him to the nurse.

We left the nurse and started to head off to my first period which was PE with Andreas class and Luke's .

I walked to the footy field and seen Andrea with Calum , I walked up to her and I could see anger in Luke's eyes , Calum got up and walked away

" COUS WHAT U DOING NEAR THAT SKUM BAG !" He said causing everyone to look at us , I whispered to Luke to shut up

" Luke Hemmings don't yell at a year 9 student !" Mr Delaney " don't worry he is my cousin " Andrea said , I felt a bit bad for her ATM " let's just leave ok !? She her own person " I said he nodded

We walked away and started playing touch footy then Luke brooks came up to us " hey Luke would you like to hang with us at lunch ?" Luke brooks look like a gangster but a nice one

" sure why not " Luke said . Lunch arrived and I just walked out of maths class and I seen Andrea smiling " you alright ?" I said

It look like she was in a world of her own " yeah I'm brilliant " I wonder what happen ? " you wouldn't BELIVE Calum hood from year 11 ask me out ! " as soon as those words left her mouth my mouth dropped

" no way !" She bitten her lip and nodded , I couldn't BELIVE it him ! I don't know about this Luke is going to get pissed at her for dating Calum


Sorry short chapter , and also I haven't updated in awhile ! It's because I just went back to school and been very busy ! I'm going to a 1D concert in 2 days sooo YAYA! But anyways BYEEE BABES ~Nessa

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