Chapter 19 ~ found

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Jordan's POV

I released that it was a school day , SHIT ! Oh well who cares , my friends more important " you's are going to be great parents " I said and thy smiled

" yeah one day you and Luke will too " they said causing me to blush a bit "well where going to be have fun " Michael said and they walked upstairs.

I was watching How I met your mother until I heard a knock and the door and it was Luke" I came here to .." Then he paused and looked at the TV " OMG I LOVE THIS SHOW!" He said jumping on the couch

I walked over and sat next to him " so how's Petra and Michael ?"

" yeah there good , there in bed having a sleep " I said and he smiled " yeah , my step cousin Andrea is coming over from Western Australia " he said

" cool , when ?" I asked and he shrugged " anytime " he said and started watching the TV again .

It was the end of the day and me and Luke have been watching all the How I met your mother series " that was fun , well I better go " he said yawning " ok well I'll talk to you later " I said and he smiled

" sure Babe " and hearing him say that made me week . I went out the back and there was something moving in the bushes , I went closer an closer until ....

A little brown and white kitten popped out " you lost little guy " I said and it meowed , it looked like it hasn't eaten for weeks

So I went inside and hand feed it some chicken and gave it someone warm milk " who's this cutie " Petra asked rubbing her eyes " I founded him at the back " I said

Then I got out my phone and took a picture of him and send it too Luke .

Then I got a reply

From : Luke x

Aw that's a cute kitten :) call it's Stanley or ketchup ?

I sort of liked Stanley

To : Luke x

Yeah Stanley the lion haha x

He didn't write back ? I wondered why , oh well so I went to the fridge and made some sushi .

I finished eating and I relised it was 7:30pm , I better have an early night . So I picked up Stanley and carried him to my room

I made him a little bed out of my pillow and placed him on and he fell asleep .

I was to bothered to change into pjs so I slept in them


AN: Aw She found a kitten x thanks for reading also so if it's short it just I've been a bit busy at work, SHARE , COMMENT , FAV ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍 ~Nessa

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