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Jordan's POV

I woke up and I looked at my phone, SHIT ITS 9am I'm late for school ! I quickly got up and then I seen Luke's eyes open

" you know it's Saturday right ?" He said and I laughed " yeah " I said laughing and hoped back in bed

I placed my head on his abs " your so beautiful " he said and I smiled " you are too "

We got up and I got dressed into Luke's nirvana shirt and skinny jeans . I walked downstairs and Ashton and Calum where eating rice bubbles " you's looked like you's had fun " Ashton said causing to me to blush hard

I could also see Calum with an ugly face , is he still jealous aha he has Andrea and I still haven't told Luke but I think he deserves to hear it from Andrea and Calum

" I got to go Luke " I said and kissed him , he smirked and slapped me on the ass " bye babe " I walked down to mine and Petra was laying on the couch with Michael

Oh they a cute couple ! I walked upstairs and on to my laptop to Skype Andrea

Andrea15 : Heyy Jordan what's up ?

Jordan101: I really think you should tell Luke about you and Calum !

" what !!?" I turned around to see Michael standing at the door , oh shit !

Jordan101 : got to go

I said an slammed the lid " Michael I can explain " he looked pissed " explain ! " he said " ask Andrea and Calum not me I'm not the one in the relationship " he looked sorry

" I'm sorry Jordan I'm just shocked " I smiled " it's ok " we hugged and he walked back downstairs

I quickly went into the shower to freshen up . I got dressed into my bikini and walked out the back and laid beside the pool on my towel

I love sun-baking , then Stanley came up and laid beside me .

I walked inside and Petra was about to leave " hey I'm going to the doctors to check if the bub is a boy or a girl " she said and smiled

" good luck " she thanked me and walked outside , I don't know what to do today ? Maybe me and Andrea should go to the park or something

So I got my phone and called Petra about going to the park and she agreed , I went upstairs and graved my picnic towel and my jacket since it was getting a bit chilly

I arrived at the park and me And Andrea sat down " so you are happy with Calum ?" I asked she nodded " yes he is amazing , he is funny smart and honest , he told me about his fights and you " she said , he told her all that ! Maybe Calum has changed and realised that he can be the perfect guy " wow I never thought he is like that , you have a keeper " I said and she laughed .

I arrived home and Petra was home with Michael , I can't wait to find out if their having a boy or a girl " so guys tell me the good news ?" I said and they looked sad

" what's wrong ?" I asked and Petra got up and it looks like she has been crying for hours " it's the baby " she said and I came closer " what about the baby ?" I asked " they couldn't find it , I'm not pregnant It was just my belly reaction to the pills I've been taking for mine-grains " she said

I gave her a hug " hey it's ok , you still have plenty of time to try for another " I said and I couldn't feel her nodding

I walked to Michael " it's ok " I said he nodded " yeah I know " he said but I could tell he was braking inside " let's have a open movie night ! Down at the park and invite the guys " I said

" I think we will pass " Petra said " no it will cheer you's up , better than sitting her with all the pain in this house " I said and they nodded " we will get ready and meet you's guys down their " Petra said and I nodded

I walked outside down to Luke's house " Guys get ready we are having a fun night to cheer up Petra and Michael !" I said

" sure " Ashton said and Luke smiled " that's nice of you" Luke said and smiled , I went up and knocked on Calum's door

He opened it " what you doing here ?" He said " you and Andrea " I said and he nodded " yeah I like her a lot " he said " I know , just tell Luke about it cause he needs to know how you improve from your mistakes " I said

" yeah your right , I'll tell him tonight " he said and I gave him a hug " good " I walked out and everyone was ready .

We all arrived at the park and their was this massive blanket for all of us to sit on and we are going to watch Tokyo drift

The movie was starting and I was sitting next to Luke and Petra " popcorn ?" I asked and they took a handful , then I felt I drop on my head " shit !" I said and it started to rain

" to the car !" I yelled and we ran like 6 minutes since the car was parked far away , we where all soaken wet ! We hoped in the car and turned on the heater to try and dry us all off

" that was fun !" I said " haha yeah , Luke I need to tell you something " Calum said " me and Andrea are a couple " he said and graved Andrea and kissed her on the cheek " WHAT !" He said , I thought Luke would understand

" Luke I've changed !" He said but Luke got more angrier " let me out of the car now !" Luke said " NO Luke don't please " I said and he just hoped out so I hoped out to I couldn't let him walk alone while he is mad

" Luke wait !" I said and he stopped " why did you follow me just go home " he said and pulled out a cigarette " no Luke I care about you , your the reason why I am here ! You make me live you make me happy ! I I love you " I said and he didn't say anything for awhile

" I love you to " he said and kissed me , we where standing there in the rain and we didn't care

We arrived back at his and we hoped in the shower , we got out and went to bed , I truly had the best night even though it rained it didn't rewind it " Jordan can I asked you something ?" He said and I said sure

" will you accept my promise ring " he handed me this silver ring and it had a love heart on it

It was beautiful I never knew LUKE HEMMINGS would be that sweet " yes " I said and he picked me up and spin me around , nothing could rewin this I was the happiest I even been in awhile


All I would like to say I MADE A NEW STORY CALLED : adopted by 5sos : SO I SUGGEST YOUS SHOULD READ IT GUYS !! ILYSM xxxx 💕😊💖😘😍 ❤️💜💚COMMENT , FAV , SHARE ~Nessa

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