Chapter 29

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Jordan's POV

" pregnant !" I said I couldn't Believe it ! I had a funny feeling ! I don't know if I'm ready " yes your 5 weeks pregnant " she said

I was speechless " you will have to stay for the night but you'll be aloud out tomorrow " she said I agreed and she let Luke in

I don't know how he's gonna take this , should I even tell him ?" Babe you ok ? What's wrong ?" He asked I smiled " yeah everything fine , just had a bad stomach ache and they gave me pain killers but I have to stay the night " I said

" well at lease your ok " he said and gave me a hug " JORDAN " Petra said running in " I'm fine " I said laughing " good " said and sat beside me " Luke can u talk to Petra in private please ?" I asked him " anything " he said and kissed me on the forehead and left

" what's wrong ? What do you wanna talk about ?" She asked I gulped " I'm pregnant " I said her mouth opened wide " congraz " she said hugging me " thanks but you can't tell Luke none" I said

" why ?" She asked " I want him to enjoy this trip " I said she nodded in agreement " ok I guess that fair " she said

5 days later *

We arrived home and I decided I should go back to Petras cause I can't let Luke find out about the baby just yet

" I'm gonna miss you " Luke said and gave me a hug " I am too , but I'll be their everyday don't worry " I said and he smiled

I walked inside and went to my room and laid down then Michael walked in " Petra told me " Michael said " great !" I said

" you should tell Luke , he isn't gonna act like I did when I found out I was gonna be a father " he said I nodded " yeah your right I'll tell him tonight " I said he smiled " good ! " he said and walked out

I seen Stanley running around playing with a ball of yarn , I wonder if baby's are easy to look after like him " hey " I turned around to see Petra " I brought you some coffee with cake " she said handing it to me

I thanked her , we sat ok the lounge " so Michael tells me your telling Luke tonight ?" She said

" yeah but Petra I'm nervous that he is going to leave me cause I'm pregnant ! Maybe he doesnt want to be a father this young like who would ! " I said crying into Petras back " hey he won't do that ! He will understand ! He loves you " she said

Yeah she's right we love each other " your right thanks Petra " I said giving her a massive hug !

I got up " I'm gonna tell Luke now " I said " ok sure call me if something happens" Petra said , I got up and walked down to Luke's house

Tell you the truth i am extremely nervous cause this is gonna change our relationship for good , I knocked on the door and Ashton opened it " hey sup ?" He asked I started crying cause all the pressure was building up inside me

" Ashton I need to tell Luke something that could rewind our relationship " I said and he total took it the wrong way " you cheated on him !?" He said and shook my head and gave him a weird look " NO ! I'm pregnant " I said and his mouth dropped

Then he covered it , I tuned around to see Luke their standing still holding a bunch of roses .....


I wonder what happens next ? COMMENT , SHARE , FAV ~Nessa ❤️❤️❤️

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