Chapter 27

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Jordan's POV

Today's the day I'm toning to have coffee with my mum , I'm exited but nervous at the same
Time cause is never grew up with her and she just seems like a stranger with the same features as me

I go into my hight waisted jeans and I put on my white blouse than putting on my Adidas jacket on

I graved my bag and walked out the door , I didn't tell Luke what I was doing cause i didn't want anyone to know !

I arrived at the café and mum was their with a younger boy " hey you came " she said and I smiled

" who's this ?" I asked and she frowned " uh he is your brother" she said , I was shocked and I could of fainted ! I didn't know what to think ? Should I be happy or angry

" how " I asked and she told me everything " ok um I got to go now , can we meet up some other time bye " I said and quickly walked away

I arrived at the bus stop and everything went blurry but it stopped , I think I'm alright

I arrived back at Luke's and walked inside " we should go to school tomorrow ?" Luke said and I nodded " yeah , we have missed a lot of days lol " I said faking a smiled

" you ok ?" He asked and sat beside me " no " I said and started to cry " I founded out my mum had another kid and he is 16 !" I said and he placed a kiss on my lips

" hey it's ok , weird things happen you just have to get used to it cause maybe you'll have a close bond with your brother " he said

Maybe he is right " yeah I guess " I said and cuddled me , Michael came running through the door " guess what !" He said " I HAVE WON 4 TICKETS TO LONDON !" He yelled !

Me and Luke got up and graved him a big hug " congraz bro ! Who you taking ?" Luke asked and he smiled widely " you and Jordan and Petra !" He said

We screamed even Luke , which caused me to laugh " thanks so much " I said to Michael giving him another hug and a kiss on the cheek

" your welcome , btw where leaving uh tomorrow " I was shocked , this soon " ok we'll we will pack tonight then " Luke said and nodded

Michael walked out and me and Luke started packing " I can't wait !" I said and Luke stopped what he was doing " me ether !" He picked me up and kissed me

It started getting heated and I pushed him away " not now Luke maybe later " I said laughing " ok fine !" He said

We finished packing and went downstairs and Calum was with Andrea making out " umm " I said awkwardly and they stopped " sorry uh about that " Andrea said giggling

Luke went to the bathroom and I went into the kitchen , Ashton was standing their eating ice cream " hey ash , what's up ?" I asked he shook his head " uh nothing I'm fine " he said but I knew nothing was fine

" Ashton !" I said in a serious tone " fine , my little brother Logan and I are arguing " he said " why ? What happen ?"

He told me everything " hey Ashton just apologies and tell him why your sorry he will understand " I said he smiled " thanks Jordan " he said and gave me a hug

Luke walked out at the wrong time " what the hell are you doing ?" He said in shock , I knew he would get the wrong impression

He walked out the back and I followed him " LUKE STOP !" I said and he turned around , I could see tears in his eyes building up

" why where you hugging Ashton " i was about to say something and he cut me off " you don't need to explain ok , someone told me you and Ashton where together and that proves it "

I was shocked , me and Ashton are friends nothing more ! I love Luke !" That's not true , Ashton was upset he had a fight with his brother and I was cheering him up !" I said

He looked at me with a shocked face " I'm I'm sorry " he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug " it's ok , but who told you ?" He stood their with a confused look " um Alex ?" He said

My blood was boiling , how dare that back stabbing bitch tell shit about my life , I quickly ran over to her house and banged on her door

She answered " what you want ?" She said and I punched her in the face and she fell to the ground " that's what I wanted !" I said and went back I mine " you ok ?" Luke asked I nodded and walked to my room and locked the door

" can I come in ?" Luke asked " no I need alone time ok " I said and he walked away , I sat on the bed crying about everything !


Aw there going to London ! I wonder what happens over their ? Anyways how are my lovely fans enjoying me story ;) can you's guys get me to 3k please 🙏❤️ ahahah lol btw sorry for the short chapters I got school stuff going on and I haven't had Enuf time to write long ones but I'll try xx SHARE , COMMENT , FAV ! ~Nessa

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