Chapter 20

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Jordan's POV

I woke up and Stanley was nowhere in my room " Stanley !" I yelled " don't worry jords his in my room " Petra said and I walked into her room and he was cuddled up on her chest

" you better get ready for school and I'll look after Stanley " she said and I nodded , I walked out into the bathroom .

I arrived at school and I couldn't see Luke nowhere but I could see Calum by himself , I wanted to talk to him just as a friend but Luke would get the wrong idea and Calum's probably hates me so .

Then I seen this girl with light brown hair , tanned skin with green eyes run up to me " hi are you Jordan ?" How does she know my name " yeah I am , who are you ?"

" I'm Andrea Luke's step cousin " I smiled and shock her hand " nice to meet you , Luke's told me about you " I said

" yeah , do you know what class I'm in cause I'm kinda lost , I'm in year 9 " she said laughing " oh um down the hall to your left " I said pointing down to the hall

" thanks well I talk to you at lunch " she smiled and walked away , she seems nice .


I know guys I have posted a lot of short chapters but sometimes i think I should leave it like that cause I don't want to rewin it also I do this on my phone so yeah xx I'm thinking about uploading a horror 5sos story If you's want I can upload it ? COMMENT , FAV , SHARE ~Nessa

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