Chapter 28

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Jordan's POV

I opened the door and walked downstairs where Luke was , I ran up to him and gave him a hug " I love you " I said and he hugged me back " I love you too " he kissed me on the cheek and gave me a dirty smirk " so want to have some fun ?" He said I giggled " why not " I said , he graved my hand and pulled me upstairs

He locked the door and pushed me on the bed " shit " I said and he stopped " you alright ?" He asked I nodded , but I didn't fell great " ok well let's continue " he said and kissed me on the neck

I could fell his cold icy lip ring on my neck and it gave me goosebumps ......

Me and Luke where laying in be thinking about tomorrow " I can't wait , I'm friends with 5 guys over their maybe we couldn't meet up with them ?" He said

" yeah sure , sounds fun " I said and placed my hand on his , he squeezed it and punt his fingers in between mine

I felt so right ...

I woke up to Michael screaming " SHIT GET UP GUYS WE ARE GOING TO MISS OUR PLANE " he said , we quickly got up an got dressed into our clothes

We graved our bags and walked out to the taxi that was waiting for us " ok got everything?" Michael said we all said yes and we where on our way to the airport

We arrived and hoped on the plane , we just made it , I was sitting next to Luke and Petra " I don't feel so great " I said and got the spew bag and spewed in it " babe your alright ?" Luke asked " yeah it must be plane sickness " I said but it felt more than that

I have been thinking for awhile I should drop out of school , it's just to hard for me now since I have no family .. " Luke I might drop out of school " I said his face was confused " why ?" He asked

" cause it's hard , I have no family supporting me " I said and he rubbed my back " it's ok , I understand it's hard , if you drop out I will " he said

And gave me a kiss on the lips . 13 hours later we arrived at London and it is raining like usual , we graved our luggage and walked to the taxi " wow this place is beautiful " I said " I know " Petra said

We arrived at our hotel , we graved our keys to our pent house , we walked up and opened the door " wow " I said my eyes lighted up

The view was amazing ! I could see the London eye and the bridge ! " this is beautiful " Luke said as shocked as I was " I'm a bit jet lag , we can unpack tomorrow ?" I said he nodded

We both jumped into bed and cuddled up to each other " I love you " he said and I smiled hearing him saying those words made me feel butterfly's every time " I love you too " I said kissing him

Things got a bit further ...... " ouch " I said " what what's wrong ?" Luke asked worried he done something " my stomach it hurts " I said " we better go to the hospital " Luke said

We got up and got dressed into suitable clothes , we hoped in the hired car and drove to the hospital and straight into the emergency section

They placed me on a stretcher and taken me into a room "so how's the pain out of 1/10 ?" The doctor asked " 9 " I said in pain , Luke was still by my side holding my hand " it's going to be ok " he said

I smiled " I know " I said and then the doctor told Luke to wait outside , they shut the door and got a scanner on my belly where the pain was coming from

" darling , we got some good news for you " the doctor said , what can be good ? Out of this ? I thought to myself " your pregnant "


Wow Jordan's pregnant , what's gonna happen ? Is Luke gonna cope being a father ? Is he ready ? Continue reading to find out FAV , SHARE , COMMENT ~Nessa

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