Chapter 8

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Luke's POV

I just invite Jordan home , cause she is really nice and pretty ,what did I just say pretty ! What the hell am I thinking

Jordan's POV

" so you like green day ?" I asked " yes I love them they have inspired and saved my life " he said and smiled , wow never thought I would have something in common with him .

" do you want to watch a movie ?" He asked " sure what's ya got ? "

" um avatar , fast and furious um ankor man " I cut him off " ANKOR MAN !" I said , I love that movie cause me and dad use to watch it all the time .

" Ankor man it is !" HE smiled and put it on , he got some popcorn and placed it on the bed as I went to reach for one his hand touched mine and we looked at each other but I quickly pulled away .

The movie was finished and it was getting pretty late " well I got to go but I'll talk to you later " I said and we said our goodbyes . I was almost out the door until Michael turned up drunk with Calum and Ashton

I'm guessing they where at the club " ha Jordan's here ! Has she been shagging Luke !" Calum said " uh no " Michael said and cuddled me , even though he was drunk I enjoyed it and Ashton walked in he looked like the less drunk " leave her alone Michael talk to her tomz " he said and Michael let go

" fine fine " he said and walked to bed and Calum followed " I don't think you should be more than friends with Michael " Ashton said

" whys that ?" I asked " well at the club he met this chick and made out with her for most of the night so yeah " he said and my heart dropped a little " oh ok no worries " I said and walked out the door .

I started to tear up but I decide who needs a boyfriend ! I walked inside and dad wasn't home for a surprise , so I went Into bed and went to sleep .

Next day *

I woke up to here music bumping , I laughed , Luke and the rest are partying again .. I got up and got my black dress and my sandals and walked next door .

I knocked and Petra answered , what the hell is Petra doing here ? " Petra !" I said and hugged her " what you doing here " I said with a confused look

" well see me and Michael are together " she said , I didn't know what to say I was speechless " congraz , you's are a cute couple " I said and Michael came and wrapped his arms around her " hey Jord " he said

" hey Michael , just wondering is Luke here ?" I asked why did I ask him that " yeah his in his room , I'll get him for you " he said and went upstairs to get him .

I waited and then Luke came down " oh Jordan what do you want ?" He asked in a smart way " uh why you being smart ?" I asked an walked away

Petra came after me " I bet Luke didn't mean to be smart " she said " yeah whatever's " I said walking inside mine " come chill in your pool ?" She asked

I nodded and walked at the back and just jumped in not caring I wasn't in swimmers an Petra jumped after me " hahah " I said and we splashed each other and gave each other piggy back rides .

We got out and I got us a towel each " that was fun " she said " yeah it was " I said smiling , I haven't had this much fun in awhile and then of course something had to rewind it .


I'm hungry ! 🍕😔 ~Nessa

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