Chapter 4

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Jordan's POV

It was the afternoon and I promise Luke and Michael that I would go to the beach but I'm not sure if I want to know .

I went into my cupboard and found my purple bikini , I then go changed into them and I left my hair up in a messy bun , I graved my towel and went outside and there was Alex maybe I should ask for her to come so it won't be so awkward " Hey Alex come to the beach with me ?" I asked

" ok sure I'll just get changed " she said and went inside while I waited for her to come out . She walked outside with her blue and green bikini

" let's go , I'm do you know where the beach is ?" I asked " yeah it's down the road " she said .

We arrived at the beach to see Michael , Calum and Ashton there but not Luke ? I wonder we he is anyways why do I care .

" you came" Michael said kissing me on the cheek causing me to blush and the I seen Calum staring at Alex " I'll be back " she said and walked over to him , I wonder what's going on ?

" wanna go for a swim ?" Michael asked " Na I'm fine thanks " I said and he pick me up and out me over his shoulder and went into the water " Michael !" I said and splashed him then he splashed me back .

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