Chapter 1

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Jordan's POV

I finish packing , I'm gonna miss New York but I can't wait to move to Sydney Australia ! " Darling we got to go come on " my dad said

I quickly ran downstairs and into the car then my friend came running to me " WAIT JORDAN !" Lilly yelled " Dad stop the car " I said and he stopped and I opened my door " here have this " she said and past me a scrap book field of all the fun memories me and her had

" Thank you , I'll miss you !" I said and hugged her " bye !" I said " Bye !" She said and we where on our way to New York airport .

We arrived at the airport and we waited in the waiting area for our plane " it should be here in 10 minutes " dad said " dad ? Are you going to miss New York ?" I asked

" yeah I will , it's where me and your mother met and had you of course I will but we are starting a new life in Sydney " he said and smiled .

" people for plane NY110 please aboard the plane in door 4 " the speaker said , so me and dad got out stuff and hopped on the plane . We found our seats and mine was right next to the window which I love cause I love the view !

The plane took off and it should take 14 hours to get to Sydney so I decided to plug my earphones in and go to sleep .

Dream *

I was on the plane and dad wasn't there " dad where are you ?" I asked but no answer so I got out of my seat and seen the plane door opened " DAD !" I yelled as he was standing there

" sorry baby girl but I got to go " he said and jumped " NOOO !" I yelled and cried .

End of dream*

I woke up panicking and crying " you ok ?" Dad said " yeah I'm fine just had a bad dream " I said wiping away my tears.

" please fasten your seat belts we are about to land in Sydney " the speaker said , I'm so exited ! .

The plane landed and we got up and walked out of the plane. We walked at the front of the airport and waited for a taxi , then one arrived and hopped in " to 11 link drive New yest Sydney " dad said and off we go to our new home.


Hope you like this story and sorry for the short chapter xx~Nessa

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