Chapter 26 ~ what a relife

891 26 1

Jordan's POV

Petra was their , I hugged her and I didn't want to let her go "it's ok I never left " she said laughing " I know but your my best friend and I couldn't live without you " I said and she smiled " your my best friend too " she said

The others came up to her and hugged her as they where worried and then Michael seen her and gave her a big pash

I hope they can start a family again " so let's celebrate and go to the pub for some drinks ?" I asked and they all agreed

I went upstairs and everyone went home to get themselves ready , I looked in my wardrobe and found this short blue cocktail dress with matching high heels , than I went in the bathroom and straighten my hair

I walked down stairs to see Petra Wearing the same thing but black " you look good " I said acting like a fuck wit " you do to " she said

We laughed until their was a knock at the door , they guys had arrive " Andrea I think you can't come to the pub your under age ?" I said and she looked sad " don't worry babe I'll sneak you in " Calum said

Then Luke seen me and his mouth literally dropped " wow you look like a goddess " I blushed at his kind words

We all arrived at the pub and I went up to the bar an ordered 2 Madori's , I walked to the middle of the dance floor when all the crew where dancing

I seen Luke and handed him the drink , couple hours later we where all wasted except Calum and Andrea " we better go " he said and I nodded

Luke was grinding on me which was a bit awkward but yeah he is drunk , i walked outside and he followed leaving the guys inside

" why you leave !" He wined " cause " I said smirking , Luke came behind me and placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer and placing he's lips on my cheek

" I can't Believe your my girl " he said kissing me again , his cold lip ring pressed against my warm face , it gave me shivers

I then got out of his grip " let's go home " he said and I agreed , we arrived home and went straight in bed .

I woke up to hear some banging and I thought it was Petra and Michael , I went downstairs and seen this guy wearing a mask with piercing blue eyes

He looked at me then I seen him pull out a gun , I was scared I was gonna die than Luke came down and chucked at laptop at his head causing him to black out

I ran up to Luke shaking and I placed my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me " you ok babe ?" He asked I nodded , we called the cops an they came to take him to Jail

2 hours later Petra and Michael came home drunk as anyone could be " I think you's should go to sleep " I said and they started laughing " whatever's girly " Michael said

They walked upstairs and into the bedroom I didn't want Michael and Petra to find out what happened till tomorrow

Me and Luke couldn't sleep so we stayed up and made breakfast " you sure your alright babe ?" Luke asked and I shook my head

I was scared it might happen again and I can't live here " hey , come here " he said and gave me a hug which made me a lot better knowing he's around

" how about you come and stay at my house and we don't tell Petra and Michael cause they have been through Enuf " he said

I didn't know what to say " ok " I said , so we went outside and walked into Luke's house , I feel a lot safer here " I'm gonna go and have a shower wanna join ?" He asked I said no and went to his room to lay down

Then my phone went off

From : unknown number
Hey darling it's your mum , I was wondering maybe we should catch up and have coffee x

I didn't know if I should ? I'm nervous that she'll leave again after what happen before so I text back ok


Sorry for the short chapter it's my phone it's being an ass and stuffing up so I could only do a short chapter :) do you's think that Jordan should meet her mum again ? FAV , COMMENT, SHARE ~Nessa

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