Chapter 5

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Jordan's POV

Me and Michael desided to go back to shore cause it was getting a bit chilly and as we got back to shore Calum and Alex where gone " Ashton where are they ?" I asked him and he looked at me weird

" well firstly the started making out and going further and then I told them to get a room and I think they went back to her place " he said

I nodded and me and Michael walked back to his , then i see Luke with this chick in his room and he shuts the blinds and my heart just smashed into pieces , why I don't like him that much or do i , I've only known him for like 2 days and he bees a totally ass and then his nice like wtf !!

" wow " Michael said and he must of relised what was going on " is it ok if I stay at yours ?" He asked

" yeah sure " and I walked inside luckily dad was busy getting furniture and shopping , so he won't be home for awhile cause if he knew I brought Michael in the house he would flip !

" is it cool if I have a shower ?" He asked " yeah it's just down the hall to your right " I said and smiled " thanks wanna join ?" I didn't know what to say back " uhhhh " I got cut off by Michael " I was joking luckily you didn't say yes " he said winking at me

I couldn't help but blush . Michael came out of the shower and he had his shirt on and his skinny jeans

" so where's your room ?" He asked and I lead him and opened my door " we just moved in so we haven't go our beds or cupboards "

" that must suck !" He said and sat on the ground and found a book an started looking at it " you draw mad " he said

" yeah I like drawing , do you ?" I asked " yeah I do , I like drawing scary things and creatures " He said and started drawing something

I walked over and sat next to him . 2 hours later his still drawing and I leaned my head on his shoulder and he looked at me and smiled

" done " and I looked , it was me and it was pretty good " wow this is beautiful , thank you " I said and kissed him on the cheek

" well Luke should be , finished I better go , bye " he said and left , wow Michaels such a good guy but I couldn't date him cause I wouldn't want to hurt him cause I don't look at him as a boyfriend , I look at him more like a best friend

Then I heard yelling and I ran downstairs to see dad yelling at Michael " WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING IN THIS HOUSE !" Dad said

"STOP !" I yelled and they looked at me " Michael is just here cause he wanted to help me draw , nothing else ! We are friends!" I yelled

" sorry Michael my apologies , I just didn't know why you where here " he said and ave him a man hug " it's ok sir , I would of done the same think " he said and left .

" dad why do you always have to scare off guys that are my friends " I said and ran upstairs crying .


Hope you like this chapter :) please comment what you think about this story , also fav 😊👍😉 ~Nessa

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