Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV

We arrived at our new house , it was beautiful , it's a brick house with a white roof and a pretty garden at the front " wow impressive " dad said and we graved our stuff from the trunk and walked inside , the house was massive !

It had 3 bed rooms and I quickly went and checked them and I walked into this room it was medium sized with water view " DAD I FOUND MY ROOM " I yelled

" ok sweetie which one is it ?" He yelled and I told him . I unpacked my clothes . Dad still hasn't ordered our beds yet so it looks like I'll have to sleep on the floor .

I ran downstairs and went out the backyard and it was massive ! Wow ! " you must be the new neighbour " a blonde dude said " yeah I am , who are you ?" I asked

" well none of your business " he said and jumped down , how rude was he , anyways I went back inside " Do you wanna order pizza ?" Dad said

" yeah sure ! Can I please have pepperoni ?" " yeah sure " he said and called dominoes pizza and ordered them . I went to my room and looked in the scrap book Lilly made for me , wow I'm going to miss her lots !

" DINNERS HERE " dad yelled and I went downstairs . We finished eating dinner and then I remembered we had not TV yet .

I plugged my charger in the wall since my phone was almost dead and then the power went off " go and check the power board " dad said and I went outside with a torch since it was dark and I couldn't find nothing wrong

Then the blonde dude from early came over " your powers off too " he said " yeah it is "

" suck shit !" He said and walked away again , why does he be nice and then he is a rude asshole . I went back inside and laid on the ground with a blanket over me and fell asleep.


Luke has arrived ! 👍😝 ~Nessa

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