Chapter 30

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Luke's POV

I walked over to Jordan's house , I brought her some roses cause I wanna show her how much she means to me

I knocked on the door and Petra answered it " hey Luke what's up ?" She said " is Jordan here I brought her some roses " I said blushing a bit cause she properly think I'm soft , we'll at lease Michael isn't here wait I spoke to soon " Luke got Jordan roses " he said laughing

" shut up Michael , where's Petra ?" I asked again " she went to yours looking for you " she said , I thanked her and left

I walked to mine and opened the door " NO ! Ashton I'm pregnant " I heard Jordan say

I couldn't believe it , my heart shuttered into millions of pieces " your what !" I said struggling not to cry and be angry , she got up and walked close to me " Luke I'm pregnant with our baby I was going to tell you but " she said until I cut her off

" our baby !" I dropped the roses and walked outside , it was night time an it was getting a bit chilly

Jordan's POV

I couldn't let Luke go , I ran after him " Luke I'm sorry ok ! I knew you'll hate this " I said he stopped

" Yes I am ok ! I never wanted to be a father !" He said and kept walking , my life was rewind

I just let him go and went back to Petra's , I walked inside and sat on the lounge boiling my eyes out then Petra came and cuddled me " I'm sorry he didn't take it will but don't worry he will come around I know so " she said

I couldn't say anything my heart was hurting bad ! Then I seen Michael standing their shocked " don't worry Jordan I'll talk to him " he said graving his jacket and walking outside

" hey hey " Petra said lifting my face up " don't worry about it , you's will be a family ! In the mean time let's eat some ice cream and watch a movie ?" She said trying to cheer me up

I smiled " yeah sure " I said whipping the tears from my face

Michaels POV

I seen Luke sitting at the bench with his hands in his head " Luke !" I said and sat next to him " Luke you hurt Jordan , you caused this ok ! Man up and be a father !" I said


He started walking and I went after him " Luke I know , I was shocked when I found out I wa a dad ok but I realised Petra is my soul mate and having a kid with her will be awesome " I said

" Michael I know you's are great together but me and Jordan aren't meant to be ok " he said

" Luke you don't mean that ! You love Jordan ! You's are meant to be ! " I said but he shook his head " no I mean it " as soon as those words left his mouth I couldn't help but punch him and he fell on the ground

I stormed back home and opened the door seeing Petra and Jordan watching a movie " Jordan I'm sorry I tried but he wouldn't change his mind " I said

She nodded but I could see the tears in her eyes , I just couldn't believe Luke like why would he do this to her

Jordan's POV

I couldn't believe it Luke doesn't want to he a father .... I couldn't stay here with none to help me ...

" I'm going to bed " I said to Petra getting up and walking to my room , I locked the door and I laid down thinking about my life and how it's gonna change for me having a baby

" I'm gonna see my mum" I thought to my self , I packed my bags and jumped out the window cause I didn't want Petra to know where I'm going .

I arrived at my mums and she opened the Jordan " what you doing here this late " she said " I need to tell you something" I said , she let me in and we sat at the bench and she made me a coffee

" tell me daughter what's wrong ?" I swirled my fingers on the table " I'm pregnant " I said her face was shocked "and the guy I'm having it with I love but he doesn't love me now " I said and cried

She got up as wrapped her arms around me " it's ok I'm here " she said I didn't know what to do anymore my life has changed

I arrived back at Petra's and everyone was asleep , I went to my room and laid down , I turned on the TV and started watching Teen Wolf , half way through it I heard something

I looked under my bed an. Their was Stanley , I picked him up and placed him beside me " at lease you love me " I said patting him as he started to purr then I started drifting off to sleep .

I woke up and thought it was just a dream but it wasn't , I looked at my phone and it was 6:47am

I walked downstairs made some tea and sat at the table , I looked on Facebook and their was a message from Ashton " you ok ?" He said but I didn't write back

Then I heard a knock at the door , I opened it and their was Andrea " hey I'm so sorry ! Are you alright " she said hugging me " I'm fine " I said and she smiled " that's good , me and Calum age going out to the movies today , do you wanna come ?" She asked but I wasn't in the mode for anything today " nah I'm fine , I just feel like staying home and watching movies " I said

" ok we'll Call me I'll be right over " she said and I smiled " thank you I will " I said and smiled

She left and I couldn't handle it anymore , I ran upstairs and quickly pack my bags

I can't do this anymore .....


I wonder where she is going ? ~Nessa

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