Chapter 9

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Jordan's POV

I heard a gun shot and I ran inside to see dad on the floor with a bullet to his head " DAD NO !" I screamed .

We arrived at the hospital and I was waiting in waiting room with Petra and the doctor came out " I'm very sorry but your father passed away " I couldn't help but cry and Petra hugged me

I lost my mum and now my dad ! I can't believe it . We arrived back at my house and I packed my stuff and it looks like I'll be moving back to America " Jordan I got something to tell you , I brought a house here in this street so where staying " she said

I couldn't be more happy to stay here where dad past but also sad , I gave her a hug " I'll take you to it " she said and

We walked down the road and it was only 3 houses away from Luke ... Why do I care ! We walked in and it was beautiful

It's had a view of the lake and everything ! Dad would of like to see this . " hey Jordan it's ok " she said as she notice I was starting to tear , I'm glad I have a best friend cause I don't know what to do without her .

" I need some time alone " I said and walked out , I decided to walk back to my old house and I walked into dads room , and I found a note on the bench

"Hey darling if your reading this I'm dead , I knew I was gonna die but I didn't want to tell you cause I'll know you'll be sad , I really would of like to stay but I ha a huge dept and I could pay the money that's why I moved to Sydney to get away but they followed , anyways I've always loved you no matter what you where my whole world also your mother was and I got tell you something your mum she isn't dead she's in Newcastle Australia , she moved there cause she had problems and you where only little and you wouldn't of understand I was going to tell you soon but you know time cut short , so please don't hate me I love you sweet pea :) we'll it looks like there here so love you forever and always ~Dad p.s I leave you all my savings xoxoxo

I started to tear know I know why dad died and mum is alive ! What the .....


Sorry this chapters short :) but I'll promise I'll make it up to you's guys :) anyways THANK YOUS for 103 reads like it's amazing I wasn't expecting none to read this LOVE YOUS 4 eves 😍😍 p.s do you's thing Jordan and Luke should date or just be friends ? Pls comment ~Nessa

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