Chapter 21

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Jordan's POV

Class had finish and Luke still hasn't turned up , I walked out and seen Andrea sitting by herself eating her lunch " hey you alright ?" I asked and she started tearing " yeah but people are being mean to me " she said and I hugged her " it's ok , who are they let me talk to them " I said and she pointed to these year none girls who acted like tarts

They had their skirt up high and you could nearly see their ass , they had their buttons undone so you could see their cleavage also that had tones of make up on

" Hey tarts , don't Pick on Andrea she's new ! How pathetic can you's little hoes be " I said and they stepped back cause I was like way taller than them

" ah sorry we will " the leader of the group said " good !" I said close to her face and walked back to Andrea " wow that was cool thanks " she said smiling " no problem , what are friends for ".

I decided to go for a walk and try to find Luke , I seen Calum with he's other mates " Calum I know I'm the last one you wanna talk to but I really need your help !" I said and he stood up " what with ?" He said and I told him I needed to find Luke " I don't care about that asshole " he said and sat back down

What a mistake that was " wow his an asshole talking about my cousin like that but his hot " I shook my head " don't get fooled " I said and we laughed.

I went outside and around the back to see Luke sitting here with a bunch of friends smoking and drinking " Luke what the hell " I said and he standed up almost falling over " babe it's ok " he said and I could smell the alcohol coming off him " no it's not ! Me and Andrea have been worried about you !" I said in his face

" we'll in find babes " he said trying to kiss me and I pushed him back " I can't believe you " I said and turned around and started walking away but I felt his strong grip on my wrist " I'm sorry , can you take me home ?" He asked

I sighed " fine " I said and graved his arm , I told Andrea to go back to class and then I left the school grounds without permission

I know I'm going to get in shit but oh we'll . We arrived back at Luke's none was home , Ashton went to work , Michaels at mine and Petra's and Calum's at school

I placed him on the lounge and put a blanket over him " thanks " he said and closed his eyes

He looked so cute. I sat beside him and he opened his eyes " your so pretty , have I told you ?" He said and I smiled " yes but I'm still mad at ya "

Then he sat up and placed his lips on mine , I quickly pulled away as the taste of alcohol was in my mouth " ok , get some sleep " i said getting up and he nodded .

I walked back to mine and opened the door to Stanley running toward me almost falling over " hey Stanley you cutie " I said scratching his ear

" your home early ?" Petra said with messy hair " yeah I helped Luke home " I said " ok cool well me and Michael where about to go out shopping for baby stuff , do you want anything ?" She asked

" nah I'm fine thanks " and she smiled , than Michael came downstairs and he looked warn out " bye " she said and I waved goodbye .

I sat on the couch watching family guy , then I got up ad got some grapes from the fridge


Hope you's enjoyed this chapter ~Nessa

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