Chapter 13

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Jordan's POV

I woke up and I realised what happened SHIT ! " hey babe you look beautiful this smorning " I blushed " hey "i said and got up and ran to the bathroom

And got dressed into my long black and white jersey and put my black and white converses on , then I brushed my hair .

I got out Calum was up dressed " last night was amazing and I was wondering I know this might be weird but will you date me ?" I didn't know what to say yes or no ?

"Yeah sure " I said and we kissed what have I just done !! " come to mine ?" He asked I nodded and we walked to his .

I seen Luke and my heart dropped oh no " hey guys me and Jordan are a couple " as soon as the words came out Luke's face dropped and that made me feel sick

" you ok ?" He asked I nodded then Luke walked away , then Petra came up to me as she stayed here last night " why Jordan ?"

I shock my head and started to cry " I don't know " I said and hugged her

Luke's POV

I couldn't believe it ! Jordan and Calum ! I liked her and she was the only girl that wasn't a crayon face bitch she was natural but now everything I thought of her is gone

Jordan's POV

" do you even like Calum ?" She asked I didn't know what to say " No not really I just want to be friends "

" ok just tell Calum and tell Luke " she said but I don't think it will be that easy

So I got up and walked to calum " hey babe what's up ? " I was so bad doing this " I'm sorry but I think our relationship won't work out cause it doesn't feel right " i said and then I could see the anger in his eyes

" YOU S**T HOW DARE !" He said and put his hand near my face but Michael stopped him " don't cal " he said and he stopped and walked away

" just leave " he said so I did , I'm leaving here I mean leaving australia I'm going back to America !

So I went back to mine packed my stuff and booked my plane ticket , I left a note for Petra

" I'm sorry to leave I don't belong here I've stuffed everything up Luke doesn't like me anymore If he did and I hurt Calum so bye xx ilysm <3 "

Then I ordered a taxi and they should be here any second

Luke's POV

I went downstairs and I heard yelling " what happen ?" I asked Calum's face looking mad " well see Jordan broke up with Calum " Ashton said

Shit ! I better see if she's ok , so I ran to hers and inside but she wasn't there then I found a note on the table , I read it and it said she's leaving Australia

I was shocked so I quickly went outside and tried to run there but it starting raining , I didn't care I ran as fast as I could and took all the short cuts .

Then I see her just hoped out of the taxi and I ran to her as fast as I could " JORDAN STOP !" I yelled and she turned around

" I'm sorry " I said and she looked into my eyes " sorry isn't enuf " she said so I did the only thing I could think of and kissed her

Jordan's POV

I couldn't believe it ! He kissed me , I could feel his lip ring on my lip and It felt so good !" I'll stay "

He smiled an we caught a taxi home ." Thanks " I said and smiled " no probs " he said I got out and walked into mine with him

" so ? " I didn't know what to say then ours lips met again , his lips is like a drug , I wanted more

I placed my hands into his soft blonde hair then yanking it slowly , then he threw me on the lounge and he placed his lips on my neck , I admit it felt amazing

Then he put his hands around my back and pushed me closer things where getting heated than I pushed him away " I'm sorry I just can't do this with you " I said

" really you used me ! Stuff you hoe ! "He said and walked out I started to cry once again but I wasn't going to run away

Then Petra ran in " you ok ?" She asked and I told her everything , than she hugged me " it's going to he ok " I didn't believe her I think everything's going to be worse and school goes back tomorrow ! And Luke's goes where I'm going

Then I walked outside to see Alex , I haven't seen her in days " hey Alex " I waved and she have me a filthy look " what did I do ?" I said confussed

" you slept with Calum that's what and you knew that I liked him " she said and I remembered she was dating him so he basically cheeted on her with me

Oh how bad I've messed up in life " I'm sorry I was drunk and when I'm drunk I do weird shit " I said

She stood there for awhile than she walked back inside " I've really messed my whole life up Petra " I said and she hugged me " no you haven't you just got to fix it " she said and smiled

We walked back to hers and I graved some food as I'm hungry and I went to bed and fell asleep

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