Chapter 14

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Jordan's POV

I woke up and realised I have to schoo which sucks . I got up and had a shower , I got out curled my hair and adding some mascara and eyeliner .

Then I went back in my room and look in the wardrobe and found my flower shorts and white blouse with my black hoddie , then I found my vans and put them on .

I walked downstairs and since Petra doesn't go to school anymore she was still in bed " See you soon Petra " I yelled and walked out .

I arrived at school and I seen Luke and Calum together , I thought they would hate each other after what happened , I spoke to soon and they started punching

I quickly ran over and tried to stop them but not youse " Luke stop !" I said but he didn't listen to me

" You stole my girl " Calum said punching him " no I didn't she likes me more than you " he said " STOP NOW !" I yelled as loud as I could

And they both looked at me and Luke got up and walked to me " Stay out of this , leave me Alone please " he said and walked away

Calum got up and gave me a fithy look and left , I've stiffed things up , then I seen Alex smiling " you don't deserve none of them " she said and walked away with her friends

Wow I totally regret being friends with that bitch , I walked to my first class and Luke was in there

So I walked up to him and sat next to him "Luke I'm sorry about yesterday and everything " he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes

" I know but .." He stopped " but what ?" I asked and he got up and left , what his problem ? " GET BACK HERE LUKE " the teacher said but he didn't come back.

School finished and Luke was walking home by himself so I decided to leave him cause I didn't want to piss him off anymore .

I arrived back at mine and Ashton was waiting at the front " can I come in I need to talk to you " so I opened the door and he walked in and sat down " you know how Luke and Calum are fighting over you , we'll I think you should give Luke a chance , he has been talking about you non stop and he just had someone problems that only you can fix " he said and I smiled " ok I will " I said and smiled then I decide to go with Ashton to his to talk to Luke


Wonder how this goes ? If you's have any ideas for this story please comment I'm starting to run out of ideas ? Also read my new story : Forced to reck one direction : it's really good trust me ! SHARE , COMMENT , FAV ~Nessa

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