Chapter 31

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Luke's POV

I was laying in bed thinking about Jordan and how she's having a baby , I just couldn't think

I shouldn't off went off at her or Michael like that , it just was a shock like I act very different compare to Michael

I decide to try and call Jordan but her phone wasn't on , so I texted her

To Jordan ❤️:
Jordan I'm sorry , I should have done that , I'm just scared my dad wasn't around much when I was young but I wanna be around my kid , I just hope it isn't to late x love you

I put phone down and then Calum walked the door , I stood up I'm not mad with him anymore cause the past is in the past " Luke hey " he said I smiled slightly

"Ah hey " he scratched his neck " Luke I need to tell you something , I'm sorry about everything I done to Jordan and you , I have changed I love Andrea and I just hope you forgive me and I heard about last night " he said

" it's ok Calum , I forgive u and yeah last night was pretty bad , I shouldn't did what I did " I said and gave Calum a man hug

" have you seen Andrea this smorning ?" He asked " nah I haven't why ?" I asked " no reason she just went to see Jordan and she hasn't been back " he said

" she's properly hanging with Jordan " than their was a knock on the door and Calum ran downstairs and opened it

It was Andrea " where you been ?" I heard him say , I know ears dropping is bad but " shopping , getting stuff for the movies , Jordan said she wanted to stay home today " she said

As soon as I heard that , I decided I will go over there and apologies in person , I Graved my jacket and walked out , I arrived and knocked on the door

Petra answered it " what you doing here ?" She said a bit angry at me " I'm sorry ok , I came here to apologies to Jordan " I said and she let me in " she still in bed you have to wake her up " she said

I walked upstairs and knocked on her door but no answer , she was properly ignoring me "JORDAN I NEED TO TALK LET ME IN " I said but still no answer " fine then " I said and walked back downstairs and out of the door

I walked back inside " How are - " Calum said but I stormed away before he could say anything else , I went in my room and locked the door

5 hours later

I was laying on my bed eating pizza shapes , then their was a knock on my door " come in " I said and Michael ran in " LUKE WTF HAVE YOU DONE !" He said pushing me back into the bed " I have done nothing !" I said not knowing what he was going on about

" JORDAN IS MISSING !"he said , I was shocked " what ! How ?" I said starting to get worried " she hasn't been out of her room , so Petra barged her door open and she wasn't there !" He said

I felt so bad , I made her left ! Only if I didn't go that spaz when I found out she was pregnant with my kid she wouldn't have left " it's all my fault " I said placing my head in my hands , Michael sat beside me " I know but we got to find her " he said I nodded

" yeah sure , but where will she be ?" I asked he shrugged his shoulders " we just got to work it out "


This is the last chapter :) I hope you's guy enjoyed this story !!! Don't worry I'm making a squeal soon 👍😘 so stay tuned x LOVE YOUS 💖💖 SHARE , FAV , COMMENT ~Nessa

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