Chapter 15

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Jordan's POV

I walked over to Luke's house and knocked on the door And he answered " what now !" He said and I pulled him outside

" I need to talk to you us " I said and he smiled " what about us ?"

" I think that me and you should be on a trial and go on someone dates and then I'll decide if we can be you know a couple " he nodded

" sure thing we'll how about our first date can be tonight at 9 ?" He asked " yeah sure I'll be ready " I walked away and smiled , I hope this works out cause I really do like him .

I walked inside , " so how did it go ?" She asked and I told her about our deal and she smiled " that's good Jord but make sure this is what you want "

Is it what I want ? Yes it is , everyone deserves a chance even after being a total ass .

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