Chapter 6

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Jordan's POV

BING BING my phone went
and I checked it and it was my other best friend from America Petra rims

P: Hey where abouts in Sydney the you ?

J: New Yest , why ?

P: just wondering well bye

J : ok well bye

She didn't write back and then there was a knock at the door and I went to opened it and there was Petra " OMFG YOUR HERE !" I screamed

" yeah of course , I'm staying here for 5 weeks , your dad organised it " she said and I turned around to see dad and I ran up to him and hugged him " thanks " I said and went back to Petra

" wow there is so many things I need to tell you " I said and we sat on the couch ( since they have the furniture now) and I told her everything from when I met Luke to when Michael left .

" wow ! Are they hot ?" She asked " well Luke yes but the most worse personality , Ashton I haven't talk to him much but his pretty cute , Calum well his ok not my type and my new friends boyfriend and Michael he is but his just a friend " I said

" would you like to go to the club ?" She asked " yeah sure I'll get ready " I said and went upstairs and if you's are wondering Petras 18 .

I got into my black skinny jeans , my gold sparkly shirt and my yellow converses . I walked downstairs " looking good " she said and we walked out the door .

We waited for a bus since it was dark and then I felt someone grave me by the hips , I turned around to see Luke " what do you want ?" I said angrily " I'm sorry for being an ass to you , I just like you " he said

My heartbeat went faster , shit why is it ! " that's good for you and maybe you should of thought of that before you slept with a chick " I said and hoped on the bus as it arrived .

I looked out the window and I felt a bit bad for what I said but I was the truth , cause I have dated assholes in the past and I take awhile to trust guys now

" so he was hot you should date him " Petra said " no , not after what he done to me " I said and stopped talking . We arrived at the club and it was disco night .

People where dancing and others where making out on the chairs , I started to dance with Petra " so how's lily going ?" I asked

" yeah she's fine misses you , we all do " I sighed " I miss you's all as well , know I wish I was back at America " I said

Couple minutes later a guy came up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the neck " hey Gorgeous , wanna have some fun " he said " leave me alone " I said kicking him but he still had a he of me

Petra stood back helpless as she is no match for a guy then someone punched him and I turned around to see Luke , I wasn't going to stop it as the guy deserves it but I hope Luke's going to be ok .

The guy punched Luke in the face and then the stomach , as Luke fell down I couldn't handle it , I ran up and puched the dude , as soon as I done it I regretted it he slapped me and I fell knocking my head on the ground and blacking out .


Luke and the guy was punching " don't touch her , I love her " he said

End of dream

I woke up and seen Luke with a black eyes , pouched lip and his nose had been bleeding " you ok ?" He asked placing a ice pack on my head

" yeah I'm fine are you ?" I asked " yeah I'm tuff " he said " why did you help me ?" I asked

" cause I like you , also who knows what would of happened if I didn't helped you " I smiled and hugged him " thank you but how did you beat a big guy like him ?"

" well "


Jordan just got knock out and my blood was boiling and he laughed then I just went bang and he fell to the floor then I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine

" that's what you get for messing with me and my girl " I said and spit in his face and picked up Jordan and carried her to the spare hotel room .

End of flashback

" thanks , would you mine taking me home , i know I'm going to be in trouble " i said getting up my head hurting as hell

" nah you won't I text your dad on your phone saying that you'll he a bit late cause you where with Petra at mine " he said I smiled

" thanks , where's Petra btw ?" "She's at a hotel down the road " he said and picked me up bridle style and carried me to his car .

I arrived back home " thank you again for everything , you have changed my mind about you L I said kissing him on the check and walked inside .

Maybe he is a nice guy and maybe I like him a little .....


So ......... ~Nessa

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