Chapter 17

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Luke's POV

Jordan's face was priceless , I knew this would shock her and it shock me .

We arrived at the concert and I helped Jordan out " where we sitting ?" She asked " surprise " I said and graved her hand

We walked up these stairs into this room " wow " It had all the equipment and guitars thy played , it was awesome " wow " Jordan said causing me to smile

" so you's like ?" We both nodded " may I have your signature ?" Jordan asked " sure here " they all said signing her paper

She said thanks " we'll we got to go now , your front row seats are waiting !" We screamed like girls fangirling .

We walked out and the audience was massive ! The concert was over " that was the best ever !" She said " yeah I know , they inspire me " I said .

We walked at the front to hop in the limo waiting on us " so where going home ?" She asked " we'll yes but something special is going to happen " I said causing her to smirk " tell me !" She said I shook my head and she crossed her arms

Jordan's POV

Luke won't tell me ! Unfair , tonight was the best night in my life ! We arrived at his and walked in but the guys weren't home " where are they ?" I asked " them and Petra have gone out to movies and won't be back till late " he said , I wonder what's gonna happen

We walked out the back and my eyes widen " wow this is beautiful " it was fairy lights hanging from the trees and underneath was a long hay stack with a blanket and pillows

With candles in a love heart " I know , I got some help " he smiled , we sat down and looked at the view of the lake . We talked about our past and our future

It was the best night ever !


AN : Sorry if my chapters seem short it's just that I write all this on my phone and it looks so long but it really isn't , we'll I hope you's are enjoying it and thanks for the 503 view it means heaps to me :) ~Nessa

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