Chapter 12

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Luke's POV

I shouldn't of egged Petra's and Jordan's house , I shouldn't of after what Jordan's been through .

" Luke , Calum why did you egg Petra's and Jordan's house ?" Michael asked me " we'll it was funny " I said a bit wrong with my self and I nudged Calum " IT WASNT FUNNY ! AFTER WHAT JORDANS BEEN THROUGH AND MY GIRLFRIEND LIVES THERE !" He said and pushed me over .

I think Michael has a point , I shouldn't of done that it was wrong , I better have a party and invite her to make it up tjo her .

I got up and walked down to Jordan's place , I knocked on the door and Jordan answered " What you want ?" She said

" I'm sorry I just want to invited you to my party tonight at 8 please ?" I asked hopping she'll say yes " um I consider it " she said and shut the door

I felt weird inside but I hope she comes cause I really want her to so I can make it up to her for what I've done .

Jordan's POV

I decided to go to Luke's , what's happened in my life nothing couldn't get worst so I'm like stuff it ! So I went upstairs but I couldn't find a dress

" looking for a dress aye here "'she said handing me a short gold sparkly dress and it was beautiful " I can't wear this " I said and handed it back but she gave it back

" have it !" I said so I decided to wear it , I went into the bathroom and changed into it , I then curled my brow dirty hair and add some mascara and eyeliner and light lip gloss

I walked out petra was shocked " wow your pretty ! Luke sure would like you " she said smiling

" yeah I don't think I want to date him anyway and thanks " u said and then I walked into my room and found some matching shoes

And the Petra went in the bathroom and got changed into her clothes since she's my guest . She walked out and she was wearing this long blue dress with secqels going down the side " wow your pretty Michael would love you " I said and she smiled " thanks " and we walked to Luke's house

I knocked on the door and ashton opened it " wow two sexy lady's " he said causing both of us to blush and we walked in

There was a lot of people here and I thought this party was suppose to be for me " you can stay here I'm going " I said heading towards the door " where you going so fast ?" A sexy Australian accent said

I turned around to see Luke " well I was about " I got cut of by him pulling me upstairs and into his room

Why did he bring me here ? Is he going to kill me " I'm not going to kill you if that's what your thinking or will I " he said smirking

" wow well done Luke " I said been sarcastic and then he sat beside me and looked into my eyes they where so beautiful and blue

And his lip ring well it made me feel weak to my knees and he then broke the attention by saying " here I brought you something " he said and pulled something out of his pocket

It was like a paper note and it was two tickets to green day " OMG Luke you didn't !" I said shocked " I knew you liked them and my mum is best friends with the manager "

I couldn't help it but hug him " that feels nice " he said wow that just made it awkward

" well we better get downstairs " I said and went downstairs to try and find Petra but she's nowhere to be seen

Then I walked out the back and seen Petra making out with Michael and it look like they where going to do more so I walked back in

" wanna a drink ?" Calum said " why you offering me a drink " it was a bit strange " cause I'm sorry for what I done " he said and handed me the drink then I took a drink

Couple hours later *

I had a lot more drinks and I decided to dance on the table like what the heck ! So I got up and starting busing my dance moves

And everyone was like " Go Jordan !" And then I felt someone touch my ass and I turned around to see this stranger

I got down and I he graved me by the waist and kissed me I tried to pull away but he was a lot stronger than me " LEAVE ME ALONE !" I said but still he am didn't listen

" leave her alone !" Luke said and punched him " you wanna dance pretty boy come at me " he said and the punched

Stop I yelled but of course they didn't listen then I tried to brake them up and I got punched in the face bad decision

Then I seen Luke go knocked out and before he could do anything I stopped him I don't know how but I did .

I got Michael to pick up Luke as he a came Inside , he caries him to his room " he's going to be ok " I nodded and I sat beside him

I wasn't going to leave until he wakes up .

Then his eyes opened " you ok ?" I asked " No my head f*cking kills !" So I got him and ice pack and place it on his head

" can you leave please " he said I didn't understand ? " uh why I will help you " he stood up " JUST LEAVE FOR HAVENS SAKE !" He said and pointed to the door

So I walked out and went home . I went into my room and laid on bed crying , why did he have to be mean when I was trying to help that shit fag ! Ahh I'm pissed

Then I heard a knock at the door and I went downstairs . I opened it to see Calum " oh hey what's up ?" I asked and he came in and shut the door

Is he going to hurt me then the total opposite happen his lips planted on mine

I didn't know what to think ? I pushed him off " what the hell !" I yelled " I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I just like you " he said and I couldn't resist I kissed him back

Things started to get heated and he took his shirt of showing his tattoos wow ! Then ...... You know what happens


Hello what do you think about Jordan sleeping with Calum ? Is Luke going to be jelly if he finds out ? 💞💕but thank you's for reading , I know I have said this before but it means a lot xx I MEAN IT PIZPLANTS 🍕🍆 ~Nessa

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