Chapter 18

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Jordan's POV

I woke up and it's was morning , we must of fell asleep "Luke " I said nudging him " what " he mumbled and opened his eyes " let me make you breakfast " he said and got up .

We walked to the kitchen and the rest of the guys where home " morning love birds " Michael said and we smiled " don't talk Michael , you have Petra " then his face dropped

" what is everything ok ?" Luke asked and walked over to him , we'll I better go and see what happened " I'm gonna bye " I said and kissed Luke on the cheek .

I walked outside and I went home " Petra you home ?" I asked and I heard crying coming from the bathroom .

I walked up there and knocked on the door " Petra it's me open up !" I said and she opened it , I walked in and her eyes where red and puffy

" M m Michael " and cried more " what about Michael ?" I asked and she looked up at me " we'll we came back from the movies and I didn't feel we'll so I decided to come home " she stopped

And I moved my hands telling her to go on " when I got home I spewed up in the toilet , then I remembered I haven't had my monthlys in 5 weeks as soon as I realised , I got in the car and drove to the pharmacy and got a pregnancy test "

My eyes widened " and I came home and I'm I'm pregnant " she said and cried more " hey I'm here I'll help you ! Your not alone " I said and hugged her

" thanks Jordan , but Michael said he doesn't want to be in mine or the baby's life " I couldn't believe Michael could do that , I know he'll be in shock but he shouldn't off said that .

We got up and walked to the lounge room and sat on the couch " hungry ?" I asked " yeah can I have some ice cream please " I smiled and got some out of the fridge then got a spoon .

I handed it to her and she thanked me , then there was a knock at the door and I answered it " Luke what's up ?" I asked and he pulled me outside

" did you hear " he said and I knew what he was talking about " yeah we got to do something about it " I said and he nodded " yeah we can't let Michael not be in the baby's life like he will enjoy being a father "

We then talked about how we are going to get them back together .

Luke's POV

Me and Jordan came up with good ideas , I said goodbye and walked home " Michael come here we need to talk " I said and he came over

" I think you should be a father Michael ! Your like a brother to me and to see you happy would mean heaps bro come on " I said and he looked at me , I didn't know if he was upset or angry or happy !

" uh Luke I'm scared bro , I'm 19 and having a child ! I don't even know if I'm ready to become a parent " he said

I gave him a hug " Michael you will be ready just you got to adjust to it and you'll be sweet , come on it might be a little Michael " I said causing to laugh

" thanks Luke " he said and walked out , I'm pretty sure he's going to Petra's

Jordan's POV

I was talking to her about Michael and she really wants him to be the baby's father than there was a knock at the door

I got up and answered it " Michael " I said and Petra turned around in shock " Petra I need to talk to you " he said and she got up and they walked outside

Petra's POV

" Petra I'm sorry about they way I acted earlier , I was just in shock ! But I think I'm ready to be the father of our kid " I said kissing her on the lips

We pulled apart and hugged each other " I love you " I said " I love you too ".....


AN: Aww Petra's pregnant , if one of you's guys would like to be in my story lets me know :) FAv , COMMENT AND SHARE ~Nessa

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