Chapter 3

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Jordan's POV

I woke up to music pumping from next door , I got up and walked to next door and knocked " Oh you is it " the blonde said " Turn the music down people are trying to sleep " I said cross

" sorry sexy but no "he said and shut the door , he called me sexy ? What am I saying he's just a bad boy !

I walked back inside and made breakfast as I can't go back to sleep . I then went upstairs to get dressed , I got my black Rolling Stones t shirt and my red skinny jeans and black converses .

" Dad I'm going for a walk " I said and went out , there was that dude at the front with his shirt off , wow he has abs ! Jordan don't look

" I seen you looking at me " he said " who said I was ?" I said and walked up to him " me that's who , wow you look hot babe " he said

" please don't call me babe" " sorry but you look smoking , come to the beach with me and my friends the sarvo ?" He asked

"No thanks " " please come on !" He said , I don't know why I'm going to say this but " ok fine ... " " cool see you then " he said and went back inside .

" Ello " a girl across the road said " hey , I'm Jordan u ?" She looked nice " Alex Nigela , just warning you don't fall for Luke , he has invited many girls to the beach and brought them home " she said

So his name is Luke aye " I wasn't planning to" I said smiling " good , would you like to come inside ?"

" yeah sure " I said and walked inside and into her room " so where you from ?" She asked " I'm moved here from New York " I said

" oh cool ! Did you see famous people there ?" I asked " yeah once I seen Katy Perry but that's it " " cool I love her " she said and showed me her posters .

"Cool , so tell me more about Luke and his mates ?" I asked she hesitated " well Luke he's the bad boy that always breaks the rules , Michael his friend well he's cool but sometimes he can be an ass , Ashton well he is the nice one out of them and Calum don't get me started I used to date him until he cheated on me " she said

Wow ! I want to know more about Luke , why do I ? I don't even like him , I looked out the window and seen a guy out the front of Luke's with Red hair " I got to go talk to you later " i said and ran out

" hey what's your name" I said to him " oh hello and I'm Michael , your the new next door neighbour and your pretty hot " he said making me blush " thanks your not bad yourself " I said smiling

" so your coming to the beach with us the sarvo ?" He asked " yeah I am " i said smiling

Michaels POV

She looked smoking , I heard Luke talk about how hot she was and he was right , I like her brown hair and blue eyes she's gorgeous " this might be a stupid question and we just met like less than 5 seconds , will you please be my date ? " I asked smiling

" well you seem nice sure " she said and I leaned over and hugged her , I felt sparks but not that much

Luke's POV

I was walking downstairs and I looked out the window to see Michael hugging that new girl , my heart dropped , I didn't know that I liked her but now I do and I got to hurry and tell her before she falls for Michael or should I not

Jordan's POV

" well see you the sarvo " Michael said and kiss me on the check , wow he is a gentleman and his hot but not as hot as Luke , what I am in saying Michaels nice to me and Luke is just flirting and being an ass , I

don't know what to tell

I ran inside and into my room , I went to the corner and
sat down and thinked about my feelings



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