Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

I was hanging out with Luke brooks and his brother Jai and their mate James " so Lukey you and Jordan aye ?" Luke B said nudging me " yeah , where a couple " I said smiling and I couldn't help it "how about you and that blonde over their ?" I asked and Luke B blushed

" yeah , her names Krystal she is amazing girl , I've been dating her for 3 years straight " I was shocked , I really hoped me and Jordan can last that long

" we'll yeah thanks for the chat , I got to go and find my girlfriend " I said standing up " Cya later " they said . I walked up to Jordan who was with Andrea

I was pissed at Andrea for being near Calum but she doesn't know what he is like so I can't be mad at her " hey babe " I said kissing Jordan's cheek " hey babe how was your free period ?" She asked

" it was nice " I said and looked at Andrea which had a huge smiled on her face , I don't know why " what's up ?" I said asking her

" nothing Luke just happy " she said and I smiled but I knew it wasn't nothing .

School had finished and I was walking home with Jordan and Andrea , " hey Luke , me and Andrea are going out for dinner with Petra and Michael would you like to come ?" Jordan asked

" yeah sure " I said . I arrived at mine and I kissed Jordan , it was beautiful like always " cya soon " I said and she nodded.

Jordan's POV

I arrived home and Petra had fallen asleep on the couch , so I got a blanket from the hall way cupboard and put it on her

" go to my room , I'll be there in a sec " I said and she nodded . I walked in the kitchen and I seen Stanley laying down licking he's paws , oh he's adorable ! So I couldn't help it but giving him a peace of chicken .

I went in the cupboard and got some Oreos then I went in the freezer and got my vanilla ice cream .

I walked upstairs and Andrea was on her phone texting someone " who's that ?" I said closing my door "oh my boyfriend " I nodded cause I didn't know what to say

I handed her her Ice cream and we ate it . I love cookies and cream !!! " so i better wake up Petra " I said and I walked downstairs

She was asleep and I hate waking her up cause she goes all stupid , I shock her slightly and her eyes opened " orange farts " I laughed at what she said

She woke up properly and laughed " we better get ready " I said taking a breath and she nodded

We walked upstairs and into my room " here " I said handing Petra my best dress that she could wear " thanks sis " she said and walked into her room to get dressed

Then I found this grey long dress which was flowy at the end " thanks " Andrea said and walked into the bathroom .

I didn't know what I was going to wear ? I seen this box and I opened it , their was something wrapped in wrapping paper

I opened it to find the most beautifulest dress I have ever seen ! It was red with not straps and it was short , it had a sparkly outline down the bottom and the top then I found this note

Darling I brought this dress for you for your 16th birthday sorry it's late but better than never from mum xx

I couldn't BELIVE it ! I got it on and looked in the mirror , wow i look good if I say so myself ! Then Petra and Andrea walked back in

" wow sexy" Petra said causing me to blush " I bet Luke will want you for dinner "Andrea said winking I blushed even more

" thanks you's guys look greAt yourself !" I said and hugged them , I walked into the bathroom and them curled my hair then adding red lipstick .

I heard a knock at the door and opened it " Michael hey " I said and he looked shocked " looking nice , where's Petra ?" He asked and as soon as he said it Petra walked downstairs and I could see his priceless face

" wow smoking hot !" He said causing her to blush " thanks , shall we go ?" She said and I nodded , I graved Andrea and hoped in the car

It was a limo . Luke was sitting in their and my heArt was racing " wow are you my girlfriend ?" Luke asked causing me to laugh then he place his hand on my thigh .

We arrived at this look out to the ocean and it had a big table with candles in the middle " I think you's guys deserve a nice night " Michael said

We thanked him . Then this guy came out and placed some food on our plate , and that dude looked like Ashton of course It was lol

We had some flat head with salt and pepper seasoning with Caesar salad on the side , wow it look yum .

The night finished and I desires to stay at Luke's tonight and Michael stayed with Petra and Andrea went home

" tonight was amazing " I said an Luke nodded , he looked tired " it was but it's going to be more amazing " he said and kissed me , his soft lips pressed against mine

We where making out for like 1 hour until he pulled away " let's go to bed " he said and I nodded , as we walked upstairs I could hear Calum and Ashton playing some music

I walked into Luke's room and he locked his door " what going on ?" I said and he smiled then pulled of his shirt showing his abs !


HEYYY !! Sorry I've been really busy with school and work ! But I will update when i can :) so u hope you like this story and chapter also thanks for reading ❤️💕😘💖😊 COMMENT , SHARE , FAV ~Nessa

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