Chapter 25

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I would like to thank all those people who are reading my story :) I wasn't expecting this many people to read it like I thought none would lol so thanks again love you's lots xx ~Nessa

Luke's POV

I woke up to see Jordan still asleep and he hair was everywhere , she is so Gorgeous !

Then her eyes started to open " morning beautiful " I said and she smiled " morning sexy " she made me blush normally I don't but she makes me

We got up and walked downstairs , I'm still angry at Calum but he said he has changed so I got to Believe him cause we have been friends since primary and we have had our share of arguments

The guys where sitting at the table eating pancakes and watching spongebob square pants , everyone loves this show and if you don't get stuffed

Me and Jordan sat at the table and ashton placed the pancakes in front of us and we thanked him " so Luke it's your birthday in a couple of days ?" Jordan said

I almost chocked cause I didn't want none to know " yeahh it is " I said and she smiled " cool we should have a party or something ?" She asked

I didn't want a party but I didn't want to hurt her feelings " sure why not " I said falsely cause I didn't want a big deal !

Jordan's POV

" well I'm going home , I got to feed Stanley and see how Petra and Michael are " I said and they nodded , Luke
Gave me a kiss on the cheek

I arrived and Michael was on the couch but Petra wasn't here , I wonder where she is this early ? I'm sure she's fine

I went to the cupboard and poured a bowl if cat food and got some warm milk and poured it in another bowl

He started purring which was adorable , than it found this note on the table it said to Jordan and the rest

Letter :

Hey Jordan and the rest , I'm sorry I'm leaving Australia and going back to America cause everything has gone wrong , I have lost my kid and I think everything rewind between me and Michael , I'm sorry but I hope everything turns out better than everything turned out for me I'll miss you's a lot but BYEEE and you's can't come after me as I'm properly in America now

Love Petra xxox

I was shocked so I ran over to Michael and woke him up and handed him the letter " FUCK ! We better go and find her " he said he got up but I stopped him " I know Petra she loves it over here because of you she wouldn't leave I think she's just going to get some air but she'll he back " I said

" you sure ?" He said and I nodded " I've know Petra nearly as long as I remember I know her " I said and he sat back down " don't worry Michael she's fine " I said

I was hurting inside but I got to keep positive ! I text all the guys about Petra and they said they'll be over soon ... I know schools today but this is way more important than schooL

Their was a knock at the door and it was Ashton with the rest of the guys , he came and gave me a hug I could see Luke's fist tighten of jealously which is cute I think

They all walked inside and sat down , I was all awkward silents cause I don't think none knows what to say " so .... Scramble anyone ?" I asked the all mumbled " is that all she can say " Luke said , what's up Luke's ass do something crawl up their and died

" Wtf Luke ! I'm trying to brake the silents and cheer everyone up !" I said and he standed up and walked to my face " you don't give to shits about your friend !" I could feel my heart drop and I was on the verge of tears

Why is he being an ass after giving me a promise ring ! I ran up in my room and slammed the door , I put my face in my pillow and cried

I didn't know what to do ! She's in America and I have no money to get her ! Than my laptop went off , it was Skype someone was Skype calling me

It was Petra I accepted it and wiped my tears away

Petra : Hey Jordan you alright ?

Me : NO ! your in America and Luke has gone mad at me for not finding you like I I can't leave here cause it might sound weird but dad died here and it feels like I got to stay here

Petra : what you going on about ? That letter was a practice roll play for the play that the Heath centre is doing for cancer and I was just using familiar names to practice

Me : what ! So your still in Australia !?

Petra : yeah I'm just at cafe chatting to my boss , I got I go see you when I get home byeeee

She hanged up , I'm glad she's safe and now I got to face Luke again !

I walked downstairs and everyone was still down their even Luke " guys guess what !" I said and Luke rolled his eyes " Petra is still in Sydney she's at a cafe with her boss " I said and everyone smiled

" yay ! I'm so glad she's ok " everyone said and came up and hugged me except for Luke , I went over to him " Luke what's wrong I done nothing " I said

" I know , just Andrea and Calum , Petra going missing and the hate I'm getting off people is getting to me and I don't mean to take it out on you when your trying to help " he said

I gave him a hug and a kiss " I'm here alright and I'll smash all those haters !" I said and he laughed " yeah !" He said and we laughed more

Than their was a knock and the door and I opened it " PETRA !" We all screamed and ran over to her


I wrote this chapter like at 5:00am in the morning and I didn't sleep so sorry if there's grammar mistakes I'll go through an fix them ASAP :) love ya guys xxx 😊💕 ~Nessa

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