Chapter Eighteen- Bat Cave

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"Ugh! She's been gone for an hour already, what could be taking so long?!" Chloe exclaimed impatiently while staring at the GPS tracker on her laptop that hadn't stopped moving yet. This mission was cutting into her beauty sleep time and it was making her more irritable than normal.

"You know how stubborn she is Chloe, she's not going to stop until she finds them," Adrien stated from his spot on the desk chair across from Chloe who was laying on the bed while staring at the screen.

"Besides, she's more driven to capture Hawkmoth now than she's ever been. She's not going to stop until he's behind bars. Did you hear the way she talked to Hawkmoth through the akuma victim after it attacked you? There's no way she's going to stop until she finds him, and I'd hate to be him when she does." Adrien flinched at the thought of what Marinette may do when she gets her hands on Hawkmoth.

"That idiot Hawkmoth has no idea what he's done. I have never in my whole life seen her act like this. I've known that girl since kindergarten and she's never acted this reserved and self-contained. She's always been a bright ball of light threatening to explode at any moment, but that day, something changed. Her eyes... I could almost feel the fire behind them."

Chloe paused, recalling that moment in her mind and remembering how she almost winced at the intensity behind her friend's eyes. Chloe almost compared the blue eyes to ice, but the fire lit behind them made her rethink her comparison. Her eyes were ice that could burn.

"I think seeing us in danger and injured triggered it. She's always been one to stand up for others more than herself. Seeing you get hurt while protecting her must've made her snap." Adrien's words trailed off, not knowing where to go after his conclusion.

"We have to help her bring that utterly ridiculous terrorist down, there's no way she'll be able to rest until it's done." Adrien nodded in agreement to Chloe's words before his eyes landed on the laptop again.

A gasp ripped through him and his hand automatically shot out, pointing towards the GPS coordinate that had stopped. "That's crime alley! Why, of all places, did it have to be there? I knew we should have gone with her!" Adrien jolted up from his stiff chair and started pacing, his mind making up all kinds of different scenarios for what could be happening.

"Adrien, would you stop freaking out, you're going to get wrinkles. Besides, this is Marinette we're talking about. If there were any villains there, they wouldn't be able to handle her." Chloe's smug smile made an appearance as she pictured several scenarios of Marinette whooping Gotham's villains into shape.

Chloe's confidence in Marinette calmed Adrien a little, reminding himself of why Marinette was their leader in the first place: because she's strong, resilient, stubborn, smart, resourceful and never gives up.

Adrien nodded to himself, taking deep breaths, flopping back down in the chair he had launched himself out of not two minutes ago.

"Besides, she's already on her way back," Chloe announced.

"Oh, thank God!"

"Drama queen," Chloe muttered, rolling her eyes.

Meanwhile, in another part of Gotham, a certain Bat-family had gathered underneath the Wayne mansion as new information was coming to light.

"You should've seen the way he looked at her, it's love at first sight I tell you!" Dick exclaimed to a rapidly listening Jason and Selina.

"He couldn't take his eyes off her, and I swear to God, he was checking her out!"

"I was checking for a hidden weapon Grayson, I was not checking out the girl!"

"Sure you were Demon Spawn. Don't worry, we'll help you plan the wedding. That is, if you don't scare her away first." Jason teased, loving getting the Demon all wound up.

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