Chapter Seven- Injuries

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The miraculous cure could be seen throughout all parts of Paris, showing just how drastic the damage caused was: fires were put out, buildings renewed, volcanoes disappearing like they were never there and that the Earth hadn't physically shifted an hour earlier. Everything returned to its usual cloudy day, except for on the rooftop of the Bourgeois Hotel. The miraculous cure almost seemed weak as it barely passed over the teenagers. Chloe's wrist seemed to be fixed, but the pained look on her face remained, and Ladybug soon found out why.

    Not even a moment later, the gash on the back of Ladybugs shoulder felt like it was physically stitching itself back together, and in a way, it was. Chat starred, wide-eyed and slack jawed, ready to vomit, as the skin at her shoulder moved back together, melding to each other until all that was left was a scar. Ladybug reached over and felt the area, meanwhile Chat felt like throwing up just watching that happen. The area felt smooth under her fingertips, she could physically feel the scar, but it still felt as if the wound was still there because the pain never dulled. Why didn't the miraculous cure get rid of the pain?

    Ladybug looked down at Honey Bee, realizing she must be going through so much worse. Ladybug sat down on her knees next to her and pulled Honey Bee into a hug, feeling enormous guilt for bringing her into this fight and having her get hurt in the process. "I'm so sorry Chlo," Ladybug sniffled lowly into Honey Bee's shoulder so that the rest of the team wouldn't hear her.

    "It's not your fault Mari, I chose this, and we had no way to anticipate that this would happen. Don't put the blame on yourself, the only person you should be mad at is Hawkmoth."

Ladybug pulled back just enough to whisper back, "You know?"

Honey Bee nodded, then turned to look over at the rest of the team. Chat and Ryuko stood off to the side while Viperion helped the de-akumatized woman to her feet. It was at that moment Ladybug realized that her entire team was injured. Ryuko had burns up and down her forearms that looked incredibly painful judging by the bright and blotchy redness of the wounds. Chat was covered from head to toe in sweat and cuts that were the length of his forearm. Viperion was also sweaty and had a couple burn marks, but altogether he was the most unharmed out of all of us.

At that moment, Ladybug's miraculous beeped. "You only have three spots left on your earrings." Honey Bee said helpfully, since Ladybug couldn't physically see how many spots she had left. She didn't hear the first beep, she realized it must have when she was yelling at Hawkmoth.

"Chat," Ladybug called out to him. He looked up at her, her eyes conveying complete exhaustion. "Can you help get the de-akumatized victim out of here, you're the only one of us that hasn't used their powers or run out of time for their transformations yet."

Chat nodded and talked to the frail and depressed looking woman before helping her make her way towards the elevators.

Once the doors closed, Ladybug took a deep breath and just laid down with her back against the concrete floor, no more energy left to move. "You know you're going to transform back soon right?" Honey Bee asked, confused by Ladybug's actions. Ladybug heard her miraculous beep again, signalling two minutes, before she moved again.

"No more running, no more hiding, no more secrets. This ends now." Ladybug nodded up into the sky, silently agreeing with her own words. She was incredibly tired and she needed her friend's support if she was going to find Hawkmoth as soon as possible. Ladybug stood confidently to her feet, helping Honey Bee up along with her, and approached Ryuko and Viperion.

"Our team can't be separated by the boundaries of masks any longer. Three of us have already discovered at least one of our teammates' identities and despite the risks we will face, this wall between us needs to fall. We have to be able to communicate and work with each other, in and out of the mask if we have any chance of bringing this war to an end. We'll need to be more careful that none of us gets akumatized, which is why we'll need to lean on each other for support. I know this is a lot to ask of you all, but as Hawkmoth grows more dangerous everytime we fight him, I become even more terrified that one day, I won't be able to stop the akuma or that there will be so much death and destruction that my miraculous cure won't be able to bring everyone back." ladybug took a deep breath to calm herself from her tangent.

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