Chapter Twenty-Three - Memory

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Marinette and her team had gone out in their hero forms after their dinner with the Waynes using Kalki, the Kwami of transportation, to throw Bruce off their trail, making him think that they've been teleporting to Gotham from Paris.

They handed over the harddrive to Red Robin that would give them access to start hacking Lila's contacts. After receiving assurances that they would be informed as soon as they got through the firewalls, both teams parted ways, now all Marinette had to do was wait.

That night she went to bed, sleep finding her instantly, but Damian's hauntingly familiar green eyes led her subconscious to a dream. A dream, or more accurately, a memory from her childhood of the moment she first saw those eyes.


Marinette had known Master Fu since she was a young child, in fact, he used to babysit her whenever Mari's parents went on trips to find new cultured food. They were so close that Marinette called him Grandpa Fu.

This time was different though, this time, they weren't staying at the dojo. Fu had told the Dupain-Cheng's that he was going to introduce Marinette to some of his family.

This was a lie.

The League of Assassins had finally found him, after decades of trying to track down the Guardian of the Miraculous, they had finally succeeded. Usually they just would have killed Fu and taken the box for themselves, however Fu made a deal with them.

He knew who the next Guardian would be, and that she would be incredibly powerful. In return for his life and his cooperation, he would agree to permanently tie the next Guardian to The League.

"Grandpa Fu, where are we?"

"My darling little bug, we are entering the lair of the Demon's Head."

The little eight year old's eyes widened, suddenly scared by her honorary grandfather's response.

"Do not be afraid, Little Bug. No one here will hurt you: You will be treated like royalty here, they will not lay a hand on you." Despite his words, she did not relax.

The gates to the fortress opened swiftly revealing a mother and son pair standing cordially to greet them. Marinette looked around distrustfully, especially at the woman in front of her.

Marinette always had a way of seeing the good in people, but her aura was different, tainted and dark.

The boy's arua, on the other hand, was dim, but a dull light shined through, almost hidden away.

"Welcome Fu, I see you have brought your protege, the next Guardian of the Miraculous." Talia greeted Master Fu, but her eyes never strayed from Marinette.

Marinette narrowed her gaze as Talia's greedy eyes took her in.

"Please, come in, we have much to discuss." Master Fu led the young girl into the lair, knowing that what he was about to do would have consequences, but was necessary for the protection of the Miraculous.

Damian walked behind the two newcomers, scrutinizing the girl as they walked in. He was told she was the key to gaining ultimate power for The League, but he couldn't see anything about her that was special.

Sensing his gaze, Marinette looked over her shoulder at him and after observing him for a moment, she gave him a shy smile. The smile was gentle and innocent, something Damian had never encountered before. Having no idea what to do in response, he quickly averted his eyes to the floor as they walked.

Eventually, Talia stopped in front of a door, letting Fu walk in, but stopped the children.

"Damian, entertain the girl while I speak with the Guardian."

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