Chapter Seventeen- Blue eyes

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Warning: violent scene ahead

"Robin and Nightwing, you'll take the north side, Catwoman and I will take the south. Red robin will be here monitoring the coms, so if anyone finds anything we'll be able to be in constant contact." Bruce ordered out despite the fact that Robin was already heading out the door with Nightwing running to catch up to him. Damian was becoming increasingly impatient and indignant as time went on and Bruce didn't know how to handle it.

Bruce knew it had to do with Talia's latest visit/surprise attack where she insinuated that Damian's friends were making him soft and would become his downfall. Damian's bursts of anger had become more frequent and nothing they tried seemed to calm him down. Jason joked that a girlfriend might quell Damian's rage but Bruce couldn't help but wonder who in this world would ever be able to handle his son's mood swings.

Besides, he knew that Damian's mood was only to push people further away and that Talia's words had affected him more than he let on. It was one of the many things Bruce would never forgive Talia for: depriving Damian of a normal childhood. Damian had seen and done things that no child should ever have to go through and Bruce knew it affected him greatly. It was the reason why he had become so happy when Damian became good friends with Jon, it meant he at least had a small amount of normalcy despite his unique situation.

Damian shot out across the rooves, not bothering to wait for Nightwing, knowing he could keep up anyway. Talia's visit did indeed affect him greatly despite his denials: her insinuation that his loved ones were his weakness meant that during her next visit her target would be the people he cared about instead of him. Despite his desire to stab his brothers with his katanas several times a day, there was no way he was going to let someone else be the one to hurt them.

The light from the moon guided their familiar path, the two pairs of eyes scanning between alleyways for any sign of danger as they made their way towards Crime Alley in silence. The two vigilantes paused on one particular roof when they heard a rough voice from the alley below.

"What would a little thing like you be doing in a place like this?"

Robin peered down over the edge of the rooftop to see three large grown men cornering a young woman that looked to be in her twenties. The woman's eyes were large with terror. "Leave me alone you creeps!" The woman was clearly scarred but refused to let her voice shake in the presence of the men.

Robin's blood boiled at the sight of the three overgrown perverts advancing towards the girl. His anger towards his mother was forgotten for the time being as Robin and Nightwing were about to drop down into the alley when another voice entered unexpectedly.

"Step away from the girl," a strong feminine voice commanded.

The new voice caused the vigilantes to pause in their movements. A dark figure stood at the mouth of the alley, hidden by the dark shadows casted onto her.

The men laughed heartily at the feminine voice and they turned towards the mouth of the alley.

"And what are you going to do about it sweetheart?" One of them laughed heartily.

The figure stepped forward and Robin's eyes widened as the moonlight illuminated a lithe black leather clad girl with a dangerous gleam reflected back in her bluebell eyes that seemed to shine like the moon. Her hair was loose, resting against her shoulders with the moonlight shining down illuminating the dark blue tinted hair that seemed unusually natural. She looked to be around Damian's age, but her stance suggested an experience with combat that was abnormal in their age group.

Damian's breath caught in his throat in an unfamiliar reaction that he couldn't understand, all he knew was that this was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, which was strange because he had never really noticed a woman's appearance beyond this point in the way he was doing now.

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