Chapter Eleven- Coffee Coma

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Apparently Hawkmoth was going with an elemental theme for his monsters because the new akuma was a water demon named Syren. It wasn't until late night when the team was able to trap the akuma in the freezer of a butcher's shop that they were able to forcibly solidify her water covered body and destroy the akumatized object.The whole team was drained, ready to sit down and take a breather after everything they'd had to do

Syren was just as bad as Inferno and maybe even worse considering they had to watch civilians and people they cared about drown in front of them, or maybe just see their loved ones' pale bodies drift by in the water that consumed the city. It was horrifying to have to watch and never be able to forget like the other civilians had the luxury of doing when the miraculous cure waved through the city.

When everything was done, they had all unanimously decided to stay the night at Marinette's house, knowing that Marinette's parents were at a baking convention a couple cities over and wouldn't be back until early the next morning. Marinette pulled out multiple air mattresses for the group and started cleaning everyone up with the first aid kit.

Luka had sprained his ankle and gotten a few cuts on his arms, Marinette knew most of the cuts and the pain in his ankle would be gone in the morning because of the miraculous, but she still had him elevate it with a pillow and ice it as he was laying down.

Kagami and Chloe seemed to be the least harmed of the group with only cuts and scratches from the frozen water discs that were thrown at them like knives.

Chat was the one that seemed to be in the most pain. He was the first to arrive on the scene when the akuma broke out and he made the mistake of confronting it without backup. His left leg and a couple fingers had been broken, Tikki was able to heal him, but just like last time the pain remained with him. Marinette gave him some pain killers that should knock him out for the rest of the night and be able to sleep through the pain, which would hopefully be gone by Monday morning in time for school.

Marinette waited until she had helped everyone else with their injuries before addressing her own. The ice knives that Syren had thrown at them were lethal and near the end one of them had sliced through her suit, her skin, and an artery on her thigh. She had been worried when she started losing a lot of blood and started feeling woozy. When Tikki had healed her, the wound was minimized to a small cut, but she still felt exhausted and a little weak. She had gone to bed hoping that she might wake up refreshed.

That was not what happened.

Marinette jolted up in her bed, breathing hard, sweat seeping into the bed, and mind whirling from the nightmare she had just seen that still haunted her behind her eyelids when she closed her eyes.

She got out of bed and quietly made her way down the stairs from her platform bed. She peaked out the window, seeing that the sun was barely shining at the edge of the horizon, casting an orange glow against the scattered clouds in the sky.

Marinette sighed, knowing that there was no point in going back to sleep, not that she wanted to anyway. Nobody else had heard her get up as they all stayed blissfully asleep, probably due to the pain pills Marinette made them all take. She grabbed some clothes and went down to the bathroom to change, not wanting to stay in pajamas because she was planning on helping her parents open up the bakery.

She threw on a pair of white jeans that she paired with a navy blue sweater and brown fabric boots that lace up to her knees. Marinette brushed her hair and teeth before checking herself over, making sure that none of the fading cuts were visible. Once she was satisfied that none of her injuries could be seen, she made her way down into the bakery's kitchen where her parents were icing the last of the cupcakes before they were going to put them out on the display cases.

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