Chapter Thirty - It's Over

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Seeing his angel like that, feral and unleashed onto her opponent, scarecrow's blood scattered in droplets across her face, Damian had never left more attracted to her than that moment. Maybe it was messed up, but the sight of her like that made him breathless.

His avenging dark angel.

He had stepped in before she killed him, but in that small moment he allowed himself to revel in the sight of her lithe figure destroying her opponent. Not for the first time, he thanked the universe for bringing her into his life once again. He knew he would never get enough of her.

Snapping himself out of his daydream, he refocused on what had triggered the fantasy in the first place. His stunning angel stood victorious over a restrained Hawkmoth, looking every bit the hero she is.

After Marinette had recovered from the fear toxin and the horror the toxin-induced scene had shown her, Marinette knew she would never be able to sleep peacefully until Hawkmoth was gone. Of course she knew that she would still have flashbacks and nightmares, it would take years to be able to mentally recover from the battles she had fought in, but she knew Hawkmoth would strike again soon and she wanted to be ready for him, and she was.

That night she had brought the two teams together, including Reynard (Nathaniel) using the fox miraculous and Snapper (Nino) using the turtle miraculous, and assigned everyone their parts. Just as her intuition had told her, Hawkmoth struck the very next day at 3 a.m., but he wasn't alone. He brought Mayura into this fight, having no idea that he had only made their job easier. With Natalie focused on the fight and her amok, she wouldn't be paying attention when Red Robin took control of the security cameras.

Ladybug split her team up: Honey Bee and Snapper went after the amok while Ryuko and Reynard took on the akuma and Viperion closely watching over the teams and using his second-chance powers when needed.

Batman and Nightwing were coordinating with Parisian police while Red Hood and Red Robin monitored the comms and security cameras.

Reynard created the illusion of Ladybug and Chat Noir to make it seem as if they were also fighting with them in order to avoid making Hawkmoth suspicious. Damian, who was using the name Gato while using the black cat miraculous, went with Ladybug and slipped into the manor through Adrien's bedroom window that was always left unlocked.

Now, Hawkmoth struggled against the yo-yo string holding him still, spitting out indignant vitriol as she forcefully took hold of the broach and forcefully ripped it off his person, de-transforming him into Gabriel Agreste.

Gabriel tried to call for Mayura, but unknown to him, Damian had already taken her down and knocked her unconscious.

"Gabriel Agreste, you have abused a miraculous and terrorized Paris in order to go against nature and upset the balance of the universe. You will now be facing the consequences of your own actions."

"You think you've won? I don't need a miraculous to have power. I have money and influence, those pathetic imbeciles in law enforcement will never be able to hold me. You have no proof of what I've done. It will be your word against mine and I can afford the best lawyers money can buy. I can pass this room off as just being a billionaire's extravagance. You have nothing on me."

Gabriel's smug smirk made a cold fury rise up, but she would not fall to his manipulations.

Marinette's tightly controlled fury broke through in the form of a satisfied cold smile.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that Gabirel," Her voice took on a condescending tone, "how do you think I found you in the first place?" Gabriel's smirk dropped, now looking at her calculatingly. "Did you really think I would confront you without evidence? I've been watching you for a while now Gabriel. I look forward to seeing the look on your face as you watch me destroy your legacy. Your so-called power will crumble to ashes when I'm done with you."

Damian swallowed forcefully, his mouth going dry as she taunted Gabriel without actually revealing what she had. She held all the cards and her opponent had no idea what she held. Gabriel had no clue just who he was dealing with.

When Marinette brought someone down, she made absolutely sure they would never be able to rise again. He watched her do it against the fully trained assassins inside the league, even as a child, especially against Talia.

Since Marinette was too young and inexperienced at the time to take down Talia physically, she would use her words, striking against Talia using biting words and using her own words against her. It always made his mother furious that she couldn't lay a hand on her because of the magically binding contract she signed with Master Fu.

If Taia tried to strike against Damian, Marinette would stand in front of him and stare down Talia until she backed down. Damian hated that she would continuously get between himself and Talia, not wanting her to get hurt on his account, but she refused to stop.

He could feel warmth travel up his face and was extremely thankful none of his brothers could see him at that moment. Watching Marinette bring someone down was always something he enjoyed watching. Usually she was sunshine incarnate, but it was times like this when he could witness her utter ruthlessness that really sent shivers down his spine and made him look like a love-stick fool.

After Ladybug turned over Gabriel and Natalie to the police waiting outside the manor, she saw a couple journalists lingering around that had obviously gotten word that something was going down.

"There will be a press conference held on the steps of the Mayor's office within the week to explain exactly what has occurred. My team and I will be assisting the police for the time being so Paris may not see us for a couple days while we prepare a statement."

Marinette respected the police and she was not about to hand out information to the press without preparing her statement with them beforehand. However she knew rumors would spread no matter what, especially as Gabriel Agreste and his assistant were just handed over to the police in handcuffs.

Speculation would run rampant, people coming to their own conclusions of what Gabriel could possibly have done, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. By allowing the press's imaginations to run wild, they will dig deeper into his actions. She knew for a fact that Gabriel was not well-liked amongst his employees or really anyone that he worked with and Marinette was sure many people would love to publicly call him out for his behavior.

The stocks of Agreste Fashion House would fall greatly in the coming days and after the press conference investors will be wanting to jump off that ship as fast as possible.

A smirk made its way onto her lips at the thought that just occurred to her, but she'll have to wait patiently if she wants her prize. For now, it was time to sleep.

Okay, so this chapter has not been edited yet, I plan to edit the entire book once I finish the epilogue, so any mistakes you see in this book will get fixed eventually. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote!

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