Chapter Twenty-Five - Caught

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Thank you to everyone that has stuck with this book from the very beginning! This chapter is dedicated to all of you.

"Habibti?" (Beloved?)

"Shaytani?" (My Demon?)

They both stared wide-eyed at each other until Damian launched himself out of his chair, pulling Marinette out of her seat and into his arms.

Damian never let anyone touch him, let alone initiate it, but his Habibti will always be the exception.

Marinette didn't hesitate to wrap her arms tightly around his shoulders, arms shaking slightly with tears gathering in her eyes. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck.

She hadn't seen him in so long and she never forgot her time with him. She always wondered what happened to him after she left, worrying how Talia had been treating him, or if he even remembered her after all this time.

"I never thought I'd see you again." She gasped out, emotions overwhelming her as she tightened her grip on him.

Damian pulled her even closer if that was possible, unable and unwilling to let her go. He didn't reply at first, instead focusing on the way his chest tightened at her words.

"You will not be able to get rid of me so easily, Beloved."

Marinette let out a small choked laugh, trying to force back the tears of relief and happiness before they fell.

"I'll hold you to that, Shaytani."

After awhile, Damian pulled back just enough so that he could see her face and gaze into her eyes. To him they had always seemed to be a shade of bluebell, but the tears in her eyes caused a gleam that made him realize that, in this lighting, they weren't bluebells at all. These were the most perfect pair of sapphire gems he had ever set his eyes upon and the lovely smile that settled on her lips made his chest tighten even more.

"Let's go home, Beloved." She nodded in agreement, but never took her eyes off of him.

Damian left money on the table before immediately placing his arm back around her to direct her out of the cafe with Titus following next to him.

He maneuvered them around people easily despite the fact that neither of them were paying attention to anything other than the person next to them.


Jon Kent, on the other hand, was having a slightly different interaction that morning, starting with meeting Chloe Bourgeois. While the adults had their meeting, Chloe and Jon snuck away and started to get to know each other.

Judging by what the Wayne brothers had told him from their previous interactions with her at galas, he thought he was about to meet a snooty upscale princess. Instead, he found a guarded and protective, yet kind and mature woman that smelled of honey and sugar.

They had just started discussing their career goals when both of their phones dinged, issuing a notification. The banner showed it to be from a news article with the title: "Ice Prince of Gotham Reunited With Long Lost Lover?"

Jon immediately opens it up to see a picture of Damian with a bluenette- hugging! Jon's jaw dropped to the floor.

Chloe looked over to see what was the big deal about the article when her jaw dropped as well.



Simultaneously, they both stopped and looked at each other with confusion.

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