Chapter Fifteen- Explanation

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"Marinette, there's someone in Gotham that's trying to hack the Miraculous Teams' identities." Marinette jolted up in her bed. Chloe had already gone to sleep a half hour before her, so she hadn't heard Tikki.

"What do you mean Tikki?" Marinette asked with wide eyes. Tim couldn't possibly be trying to find the identities of the other members of her team, could he? But that didn't make sense: he knew her identity and it wouldn't be hard to figure out the rest from there, so why would he need to search their identities up?

"It was coming from underneath Wayne Manor." Tikki's cute high pitched voice said, sensing where the search came from. If anyone tried to discover the identity of the heroes without their knowledge, the kwami's would be able to prevent that, using their magic to get rid of any trace of the information they had procured.

"Wayne Manor, as in Bruce Wayne?" Marinette paused in thought, why would Bruce Wayne want to know about her Miraculous Team?

"I wouldn't worry too much about it Marinette. Mr. Wayne probably heard something about Paris after he accepted your essay as the winner. Wouldn't it make sense to research the school that won his contest? And he probably saw something about akumas and got curious from there." Tikki tried to soothe her holder, knowing she would only fret over it and lose sleep over something that she won't be able to solve right now.

"...Yeah, yeah, I guess so." Marinette's shoulders slowly relaxed, accepting Tikki's explanation. "I guess there's really nothing to worry about then," Marinette said hesitantly.

Marinette eventually went to bed, but her previous anxiety haunted her and doubt started to creep into her dreams:

Marinette was back on top of the Bourgeois Hotel, Inferno's black soulless eyes glaring at her. The akuma moved faster than Marinette could keep up with and her sharp, fiery talons ripped into her shoulder taking out a huge chunk of her flesh. The fire seared her skin, blood pushing out of her, her shoulder crying in protest at any small movement she made.

She knew what would happen next, but she had no way to stop it. Inferno reached for her again when Chloe jumped in front of her. Just as Chloe's agonizing scream broke the air, Marinette jolted up in bed.

She bolted upright, breathing hard, eyes searching all around her unfamiliar surroundings until her eyes landed on Chloe's figure resting in the next be over. She kept her eyes on Chloe, watching her breathe evenly and trying to match her's so that she could calm down.

When her breaths had slowed, she threw back the comforter and got out of the bed, away from her sweat covered sheets. She grabbed her phone and checked her phone to see that it was three in the morning. She sighed in exasperation, wondering if she would ever be able to sleep well ever again.

Grabbing her suitcase, she took her clothes that she needed for the day and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Getting dressed, she put on a buttoned up shirt that she rolled up to the sleeves with a black and pink hearted sweater over the top of it. She pulled up some red high waisted shorts with gray knee high socks and brown laced up combat boots. She pulled her hair into two braids that fell over her shoulders, not waiting for it to dry.

She walked out of the steaming bathroom to see Chloe sitting up in bed, and rubbing her eyes before looking over at her.

"Why're you up? It's not even four o'clock yet." Chloe asked her in a low sleepy voice with her eyes only half open.

"Just couldn't sleep. Go back to bed Chlo, you don't have to get up just because I am."

"Nah, not happening Mari-Honey, once I'm up, I'm not going back down." Chloe said, sounding a little less sleepy.

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