Chapter One - Chloe

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Hey everyone, this is my first Daminette story and I hope you like it!

So, when I found the Damian x Marinette ship, I fell hard for it because I know he would always protect our little warrior princess, so here goes nothing.

After the first month of Lila's supposed return from Achu, Marinette had made a new routine for herself. Drag herself out of bed, drink a whole pot of coffee, make her way to the school that she used to consider her second home and which she now considers to be Hell, and defeat any akuma that may turn up that day. Lila's first objective when coming back to school was to isolate all students that knew about her lies, and she was her first target.

Lila made sure all the attention was on her, promising things to Marinette's friends that would help them in their careers or love life that she would never fulfill. She got their trust by doing this and then started manipulating that trust to turn them into her attack dogs that would pounce on anyone that would dare try to topple Lila's carefully built empire of lies.

At first, Marinette stayed silent, following Adrien's advice on taking the high road, and Lila left her alone for the time being since she saw that Mari was compliant. But then Lila started abusing their trust when Aurora spoke up when Lila lied about knowing Nadia Chimack, and the attack dogs went on the offensive when Lila turned on the tears. That's when Marinette saw the full extent to which Lila would go and that her words were indeed hurting people. She was so mad at herself that she listened to Adrien, knowing that she did it because she had a crush on him. Marinette defended Aurora, and Lila became livid when the class believed Mari when she pointed out that she babysits Manon for Nadia. From then on, Marinette was enemy number one in Lila's eyes and everything she did from then on was to make Mari look like the worst person imaginable.

At first, it was petty things: claiming that Mari purposefully made her macarons with an ingredient Lila was allergic to, claiming her tendinitis was acting up so that Mari would get moved to a different seat, pretending Mari had tripped her as she walked by Marinette. But then, things started escalating. Lila framed her up against everyone in class so that she wouldn't have anyone by her side. Mari would have been happy if it felt like she was alone, it would be better than feeling their constant anger towards her.

It became harder and harder to control her feelings so that she wouldn't be akumatized, but sometimes there were moments when even she couldn't keep her positivity up. Akumas frequently came for her, but thankfully with Tikki's magic naturally flowing through her, she could purify the akuma with her hands without even having to transform.

Aurora and Marinette weren't the only ones that became isolated and targeted by Lila's goons. Sabrina was also naturally drawn to Lila's words and when Chloe tried to draw Sabrina back to her side, she turned on Chloe, especially after the Miracle Queen incident when Chloe turned on ladybug. People called her a terrorist for working with Hawkmoth and the mayor was just barely able to keep Chloe out of jail.

As a result, people stopped going to the mayor's hotel, causing them to practically go bankrupt if it weren't for him being the mayor. Chloe had to stop buying things because of this, which Marinette could tell was hard for her: Chloe's mom was absent all the time with her fashion business in New York, and her dad never spent time with her and to make up for his absence he would always buy her things. Marinette honestly couldn't really be too mad at her, she could tell Chloe was just as miserable as she was. Chloe didn't really talk to anyone anymore, let alone bully anyone, knowing that doing that would be pointless.

A week after Sabrina left and started sitting back with Ivan, Chloe did something nobody expected. Marinette was sitting in the back corner next to the window, as far away from Lila as she could get, when Chloe walked in and went straight up to Madam Bustier. Mari couldn't tell what she was saying to her, but Mari could tell something was up. Madam Bustier cleared her throat and announced, "There will be a change in seating, Max and Sabrina will move up to the front where Chloe used to sit, and Chloe you can sit with Marinette in the back." Everyone looked on with wide eyes between Chloe and Marinette. Why did Chloe want to sit next to her? Chloe strutted her way up the stairs, paying no mind to everyone's wide stares, and sat down in the chair next to Marinette.

Mari looked at her for a moment with a questioning glance, but then turned her gaze back down to her sketchbook, deciding not to make it a big deal. The lesson began and not even five minutes in, Chloe's manicured hand slides over a piece of paper. Giving her another questioning look, Mari leaned over and read the words 'Can we meet during break? We need to talk.' Shock went through her body, what could she want to talk about?

She leaned over and wrote, 'Where?'

'Behind the school, so no one can hear us. Make sure Lie-la doesn't follow you.' Mari had to hold back my giggle at the 'Lie-la' nickname. She nodded back at her, completely unaware of several people's eyes on them as their interaction unfolded.

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