Chapter Five- Inferno Part 1

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 Both girls froze, staring at each other wide-eyed before looking towards Marinette's bedroom window. At first, it seemed that nothing was wrong, but then more screams broke out and both girls rushed towards the balcony to get a better view of what was actually happening.

"Akuma." The word slipped out in a whisper from Marinette's lips as she set her eyes on the figure hovering over the park with a deadly gleam in her pitch black eyes that made Marinette shiver. Her hair was red and flamed at the ends, which contrasted with her pale ivory skin and eyes that held nothingness. The akumatized woman was covered in black leather from the neck down, except for her bare hands, which held large fireballs that she would throw at people.

At that moment she threw a fireball at a civilian that was running away from her and the victim screamed in agony before the fire left, leaving behind a black coal shaped silhouette of the man. From the balcony, both girls could see the victim's pain still etched across his face.

Marinette gasped, realizing she might need a bit of help for this akuma judging by the merciless look of the akuma's face. Marinette knew she couldn't transform with Chloe here, so she would have to leave as her civilian self. Her face was set in determination as she turned towards Chloe. Marinette grasped Chloe's wrist and brought her back down into the house. "Chloe, do you trust me?" Marinette asked outright, leaving no time to waste.

"Yes." Chloe stated, unsure of what that had to do with anything that's happening right now with an akuma on the loose.

"Then I need you to stay here until I get back." Chloe was about to argue when Marinette repeated, "trust me."

Marinette then snattched her purse off the floor, that she was sure Tikki was hiding in, and ran down the stairs, careful to go out the back door so her parents wouldn't see and try to stop her from leaving.

She paused when she stepped outside because that was when the akuma yelled, "soon you will all know what it feels like to see your loved ones consumed in fire and not be able to stop it!" The voice was close, so Marinette knew she was going to have to move fast. She needed to get to the miracle box, but couldn't risk the akuma following her as ladybug so she would have to go as her civilian form, especially since Chat wasn't here yet to distract her. It was risky, but it was a chance she had no choice but to take.

Marinette peaked around the mouth of the alleyway, and seeing that the akuma was distracted by another running civilian, jolted from her spot and ran in the opposite direction of the akuma.

"Don't think I didn't see you!" The akuma's sickly-sweet voice rang out, making Marinette's heart crash against her chest as she continued running.

Marinette took a quick look behind her, confirming that the akuma was indeed targeting her. The akumatized woman conjured fire into her palm and pulled her arm back, ready to launch it at the sprinting teenager.

The fireball flew forward, and at the last second, Marinette flung herself sideways, ducking behind a car and the scorching fire flew over her, singeing Marinette's hair. Marinette rolled under the car as the akuma was about to go scrutinize where her fire landed to see if she had hit Marinette or not. Thankfully, the akuma did not see the girl's adrenaline fueled motion towards the car.

Marinette held her breath as the akuma flew around the burnt spot on the road and the car. The woman was getting closer and closer to the car when a scream caught her attention and she quickly flew towards it to see whom else she could torment.

When Marinette saw the akuma had been successfully distracted, she took a deep breath and moved out from underneath the vehicle, subsequently getting oil stains on her face and clothes. She took one last glance at the akuma before she took off running in the direction of the ice rink.

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