Chapter Fourteen- Magic

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Marinette sat beside Chloe on the plane, putting in her headphones so that she didn't have to listen to anyone else around her. She was exhausted and the last thing she wanted to hear right then was Lila's fake voice from where she was sitting, three rows away in the middle row of the plane.

The rest of the Miraculous Team was just as exhausted as Marinette after the akuma fight and they all fell asleep on the seven hour flight. However, Max, Nino and Nathaniel were not even slightly tired and after hearing Chloe's plan to disprove Lila to everyone, they were more than happy to help out. They sat in the seats behind Alya and Lila with a recorder held up near the back of Lila's seat to catch everything she was saying. They made a game out of how many lies they could catch and send to Chloe's lawyer, and boy were there a lot of them.

Lila had previously seen a magazine in the airport about someone named Damian Wayne. Despite his scowl, she thought he looked handsome, so she picked up the magazine and when she saw he was rich and related to Bruce Wayne who owned Wayne Enterprises, she knew he would become her new target. She had previously targeted Adrien, but since the restraining order, she hasn't been able to get close to him. She felt she deserved someone rich to support her so that she could become famous, and she thought Damian Wayne could be that someone.

Therefore, when Lila sat next to Alya, she made sure that Alya's attention was solely focused on her as she started spinning her tale. In Lila's creative web of lies she told Alya all about her adventures with the Wayne family when she was younger and how Damian would flirt with her. She said that he was about to ask her to be his girlfriend before she had to move back to Italy with her parents. Lila fabricated little dates that Damian would take her on when both of their parents were asleep and how devastated he was when she had to leave.

By the end, she had Alya begging for more details of the fairytale Lila had visualized for her. Nino and Nathaniel were both gagging comically behind them as Max sent the new recording to the lawyer in one of the many emails they had sent in one day alone. By the end of the flight they had probably sent twenty-five emails to the soon-to-be overworked lawyer.

Near the end of the flight, Nathaniel got out of his seat and stood next to a sleeping Marinette and Chloe who were both leaning on each other like they were pillows.

"Hey Blondie, wake up. We're landing soon." Chloe groaned at him, her headache coming back, making her more irritable.

"Shut up, Tomato Head."

"Whatever you say, your Highness." Nathaniel mockingly bowed and a sleepy Marinette had to stop Chloe from wacking him on the back of the head as he walked back to his seat.

When the plane landed, Tim led the group of teenagers to baggage claim and said that when they were done, to meet him at the bus that was stationed in front of the entrance to the airport.

One-by-one people grabbed their bags and rushed off to the bus, wanting to get a good seat before everyone got there. Marinette watched the conveyor belt go around and was able to get one of her suitcases off, but she still had to wait for the other to come back around. A bunch of her classmates had already grabbed their things and went off towards the bus, including her teacher. When Chloe was done with getting her stuff, she waited beside Marinette until her suitcase came back around. By the time Marinette hauled her second suitcase off the conveyor, they were the only ones left.

Both girls looked at each other and shared a look before taking off running in the direction of the entrance.

They knew from personal experience that being left alone this long, away from the class, usually meant that they had been left behind thanks to Lila's posse and Mrs Bustier's incompetence.

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