Chapter Twenty-Eight - Circus

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The sun had barely broken through the horizon when Damian had woken from the most deeply satisfying sleep he had ever had. Looking down at the sleeping angel next to him, he knew she was the reason for the peace he now felt in his chest. Her face was angelic, clear of all her stress that he knew would plague her again once she awoke.

Damian scowled thinking of all the things she's been forced to deal with in their time apart. Bullying, isolation, and now the weight of Paris on her shoulders. No, he would not allow her to endure this on her own anymore.

She shifted in her sleep and he knew she was close to waking. While still curled into his chest, she stretched out her back and let out a tiny kitten mewl. The burst of warmth from his chest forced a fond smile to reach his lips.

From the first day they met, he knew she was special. He didn't know what love was, having never experienced it before, and being trained to repress all emotion didn't help matters. During their ceremony when the League had announced their betrothal, despite the fact that it was without their consent, Damian had still felt a warmth in his chest at the realization that they would always belong to each other now. She was his, and he was hers.

Now that they were reunited, Damian would never let anything separate them again. He would be with her always, he would ensure that. First, he would help her get rid of the terrorist, then he would burn that bully's kingdom of lies to ashes and stake his claim over his beloved publicly.

"You are thinking too loudly, Kitten." He resisted the shiver that wanted to race down his spine when she spoke against the sensitive piece of skin near his ear and instead focused on the new nickname.

"Kitten?" He felt her hun in response to his question.

"My grumpy kitten," Marinette picked her head up briefly to plant a chaste kiss to his cheek before tucking herself into the crook of his neck again. Her possessive tone made him press his lips together tightly to repress a grin.

He pulled her even closer to his chest and hummed contentedly. "Yours."

The rest of the morning was spent at the dining table for breakfast, but instead of eating Marinette was mostly fighting off her blush of embarrassment the entire time. Damian's brothers seemed to delight in teasing the little blueberry. It took a few threats from Damian, but eventually Marinette was able to eat her breakfast without worrying about choking on her food.

Chloe and Adrien had already gone back to the hotel, having gotten up early and used Kalki to get Luka and Kagami back to Paris. She knew she would also have to endure teasing for them as well when she saw them next.

"Marinette, your class is going to a circus today. Your teacher will expect you to be in attendance. I can have Alfred pick you and your friends up afterwards so we can begin preparing for the fight in Paris."

"That would be perfect, thank you."

"Afterwards, I was hoping to talk to your parents about you spending more time in Gotham. Since my son has only just been reunited with you, I doubt he would tolerate being separated from you again." Bruce gave a pointed look to his son, trying to smother down his grin. Selena didn't bother trying to hide her grin: she knew Bruce had worried about Damian's lack of interest in anything social and it was obvious that Marinette's personality would soften Damian's razor sharp edges.

Damian ignored his father's look, instead focusing on the implication that she would have to go back to Paris and be away from him indefinitely. Marinette noticed Damian's usual scowl deepening and decided to ease his mind.

"I would be glad to set up a family meeting, especially since I want my parents to meet Damian, but you shouldn't worry about us being separated for long. I've been accepted to Gotham university, I just got my acceptance letter two months ago." Marinette smiled at Damian, glad to be able to put his mind to rest. She had been accepted to many other universities as well, but she had been leaning towards Gotham even before she knew her beloved was here. Damian tried to not let his relief show, but she had always been good at reading him.

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