Chapter Twenty-Six- Interview

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Marinette and Damian shared a look with each other, glancing at the batfam, then back at each other before non verbally agreeing that they did not want to deal with this.

They shared a nod, then disappeared into the maze that is Wayne Manor.

"Oh no you don't, Mari." Chloe advanced forward, the first to start the chase, the rest following her lead.

The bat-family, plus Chloe and Jon, had searched all over the expansive mansion only to find them in the back garden hidden on a high tree branch eating snacks they had stolen from the kitchen.

After being found, the couple was then interrogated until both teenagers were red in the face, though no one was sure if Damian's was due to embarrassment or anger at the questions being asked.

The questions only ended when Bruce got a phone call from Clark Kent, it looked as if news of Damian's secret girlfriend had also reached Metropolis. As if the blush on Marinette's face couldn't get any brighter, the events today continued to prove her wrong.

Clark Kent and Lois Lane-Kent wanted an interview.

Damian was of two minds about this. The possessive part of himself admitted that he liked the idea of the world knowing Marinette was his. Another part of him was smirking at the idea of Rossi seeing this interview, just part one of the plan he was forming to destroy her. Another part was irritated, the media and anything concerning it was always something he and his family were always cautious about.

"Is this really necessary?" Damian thought to himself. All he wanted was time alone with his beloved after being separated for so long, but did he get what he wanted? No, he didn't. Instead he was forced into this farce of an interview!

The entire city of Gotham was in complete disbelief. Despite the pictures as evidence, nobody could wrap their head around the idea of the ice prince tolerating anyone enough to date them. To them, it was impossible; but when it comes to Marinette, nothing seems to be impossible.

The people of Gotham were demanding answers.

Unfortunately for Damian and Marinette, that meant answering questions they didn't want to and preparing their responses with a lie. If they told the world that their relationship was pre-arranged, then the public would be against it.

In all honesty, Marinette was still a little upset about the situation herself, but since the moment she met Damian here in Gotham, she couldn't bring herself to be all that mad about it. She had been drawn to Damian since their gazes connected, so, pre-arranged or not, she figured they probably would've ended up together anyway.

Feelings had never been Damian's strong point, he mainly relied on instinct to guide him, but something was telling him that he had been waiting for Mainette since the moment they were separated as children.

"Is this really necessary?" Damian finally voiced aloud.

"Think of it this way baby bird: those girls at school you always complain about might finally back off." Dick tried to cheer his baby brother up, and seemed to be failing.

"What girls?" Marinette asked as she walked into the room now wearing MDC designer clothes that were going to make many of the viewers of the interview drool. Marinette wasn't under any reservations of just how gorgeous her beloved is, that didn't however mean she wasn't going to make sure the world knew that Damian is off the market.

They had taken the time to talk while they had escaped the family for several hours. They had both acknowledged that while the ceremony they endured as children did bond them for life, they were not required to act on it. That however did not mean that they didn't have quickly developing feelings for each other.

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