Chapter Nineteen- Pixie Pop

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"Dick, are you leading the tour group today through Wayne Enterprises?" Bruce questioned at the breakfast table. Alfred had called everyone down for breakfast and everyone gathered together for the start of the day.

"Yes, of course I am. I'm not missing out on a chance to see Blueberry again." Dick's enthusiastic reply was not unusual, but the mention of someone named 'Blueberry' caused a few curious glances from the rest of the family.

"Blueberry?" Selina voiced everyone's thoughts. She knew he wasn't talking about Cass or Steph since they had both gone on a girl's trip to California with Barbara.

"Wait, Mari is coming to Wayne Enterprises today? What time are they having lunch, maybe I can pop by and see her?" Tim's reply only caused people to become more confused.

"Idiots, who is this 'Blueberry' you speak of?" Damian tisked, not like being left in the dark. Jason was listening, but was too preoccupied with shoveling pancakes in his face to ask any questions.

"Her name's Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she's the French student that won the competition. She is also being bullied by her class." Dick reported, his face becoming unusually stern in obvious dislike of the situation.

"The French class you say, the same French class that shows up in Gotham around the same time the French superhero, Ladybug, shows up? Isn't that also the class that Chloe Bourgeois is in? The girl that was the ex-superhero, Queen Bee?" Tim's eyes widened at Bruce's suspicions.

"You think the class might be involved with the Miraculous Team somehow?" Dick voiced Bruce's thoughts.

"Well, why don't we find out? Invite Miss Dupain-cheng and Miss Bourgeois to dinner tonight. I want to know just how involved this class is with the French superheroes." Bruce directed his words to Jason and Dick.

Meanwhile, Tim discreetly sent a text to a certain Ladybug, whose actions went unnoticed to all but one member of the Bat-family. Damian's eyes narrowed at his adopted sibling that sat next to him. He looked over Drake's arm to see who he was talking to.


Bruce is inviting you and Chloe to dinner tonight, he has questions about Paris. Be cautious and come prepared.

    Damian's eyes narrowed, why was Tim warning the Dupain-Cheng girl? He decided that to keep an eye on the Replacement, he was going to observe Drake when they had dinner tonight.

    "Well we better get going now or we'll be late to meet Blueberry, you coming Jason?" It was then that everyone turned to see Jason looking up at Dick with a comical amount of pancakes stuffed in his mouth and syrup dripping down his chin.

    "Master Jason, I do hope that you're aware that the pancakes are not going anywhere and that what you're doing is, in fact, a choking hazard." Alfred's exasperated voice chimed in.

    Jason only shrugged in response since his mouth was too full for him to speak.

    "Either swallow the pancake or choke on it Todd, you're making me lose my appetite." Jason then maturely opened his mouth to show off the chewed pieces of pancake to Damian.

    "That's enough boys, Alfred will take Damian to school, the rest of us should make our way to work." Bruce interrupted before Damian could lunge over the table at Jason.

    Although Jason wouldn't admit it, he was curious to meet the girl his two brothers were so excited to see. Begrudgingly deciding to listen to Bruce for once, he shoveled the last of his pancake in his mouth before getting up from the table and making his way towards the garage with Tim and Dick not too far behind him. He knew Bruce would follow later once he made sure Damian actually went to school and didn't skip.

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