Chapter Nine- Intervention

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 Once again, Mrs. Bustier's class day was not a usual one. Not only had Chloe's seat changed, but so had Adrien and Nino's. Rose and Juleka were moved up front where Adrien and Nino used to be and now Adrien got to sit in front of Marinette again.

The whole class was baffled as to why people seemed to be taking Marinette's side all of a sudden. News had gotten out about Lila's aggression, but Lila did damage control in a class group chat: saying Marinette was hitting on Adrien and Lila was trying to save him from her. However, Lila didn't know Nino and Nathaniel had switched sides yet until today which meant that they were able to send snapshots of Lila's lies to Adrien and Marinette.

Everybody else that was under Lila's influence didn't question their loyalty to Lila, if fact it only made them more suspicious of Marinette and how she brainwashed their classmates into taking her side.

Alya had confronted Nino early that morning in front of the school when he told her he didn't believe Lila anymore and that she shouldn't either. He tried to tell her the truth about her, but Alya wouldn't listen and started screaming at him. That was when Nino realized that Alya was choosing Lila over their relationship and that she wasn't the same person that he fell in love with at the beginning of school. Nino immediately cut Alya off and broke up with her in front of the entire school. Alya, stunned into silence, stared at him in shock at what he just said: "I can't be with you anymore Alya, I don't even know who you are anymore. Why don't you go date Lila since you're so loyal to her." The malice in his tone took her back, and he walked away, too frustrated to even look at her anymore.

From that moment on the tension within the classroom became palpable and not a word was spoken between the students during class despite Mrs. Bustier's half-hazard attempts.

When the bell rang for the end of the day, Lila's posse lined up in front of the door, facing Marinette and her friends, blocking their exit. Mrs. Bustier looked at the scene with concern, but didn't step in to stop them, instead she looked at Marinette with a pleading look.

Marinette didn't even look at her inept teacher, instead she faced the offending mob. "Lila, I'd like to remind you of the terms of the restraining order. Mr. Agreste barely let you stay in this class, we wouldn't want those terms revised into you having to be transferred to another school, would we? If your angry mob even lays a hand on any of us, you better be ready to say goodbye to College Francoise Dupont." Marinette accentuated pointedly, refusing to let her classmates glares affect her.

From there, whispers spread through their little crowd, asking each other if she could actually do that. Lila's eyes were wide before narrowing at the small girl that she hated so much. Slowly, with increasing effort, Lila took deliberate steps to the side of the doorway.

Her posse followed her lead, not wanting their leader to be transferred somewhere else. Marinette and Adrien walked side by side with Nino, Chloe and Nathaniel following behind them as they stared down Lila and Alya as they passed through the doorway. They could feel glares on their backs as they walked away, but they paid them no mind as they made their way to the bakery.

"Maman, Papa, I'm home with my friends!" Marinette called to her parents who were working behind the counter. They paused to greet their daughter's friends. It had been awhile since they had seen Marinette smile so brightly. Sabine waved them up, saying that Luka and Kagami were waiting for them upstairs.

The group made their way upstairs, seeing Kagami and Luka setting up the slideshow in the livingroom by projecting it onto the TV. Kagami thought that by using a slideshow it would appeal to Max's academic side and would help organize all the big lies that Lila has told.

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