Chapter Thirty Two - Lila's Downfall

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(This is not my picture, I got it off of Pinterest)

Chloe couldn't keep the smile from her face, but it wasn't a smile of excitement, it was a smile of victory. Today was the day! Justice begins today! Chloe danced around her hotel bathroom as she got ready for the Wayne Gala that would be starting soon. Marinette wasn't with her, Chloe's bestie was already at Wayne manor with Selina Kyle, who had stolen Mari away for some 'girl time' while getting ready.

Chloe squealed as she brought down the zipper of the dress bag to reveal the evening gown Marinette had crafted her.

It was a strapless mermaid evening gown in an ice blue silk that matched well with her eyes. The fabric was pinned to one side to accentuate her waist and an added layer was pinned into the back to add an extra layer that draped to the floor in added waves.

Overall, Chloe may have spent a little too long squealing and then swishing the skirt of the dress around while she stared at herself in the mirror, but no one was around to see it and she was allowed to fangirl over her bestie's work.

She put on her heels, grabbed her clutch and walked out the door, knowing this would be a night she would never forget.

Chloe met up with Adrien, Nino and Nathaniel in the lobby, all of them sporting MDC originals.

"Well, don't you boys clean up nice," Chloe complimented.

"The Ice Queen graces us lowly peasants with her presence. Oh, how blessed we must be." Nino laughs at Nathaniel's dramatics as Chloe smacks the back of both of their heads. Adrien smothers his laughter in order to avoid Chloe's rath.

"Thanks Chloe, you look fantastic."

"Thank you, Adrien. At least someone knows how to compliment a lady."

Chloe swore to herself that she would backhand whoever taught Nathaniel how to sass. Oh, the irritation they've caused her! Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

"And of course I look good, it's an MDC original after all." Chloe preened over how radiant she looked in the dress her best friend designed for her.

Mrs. Bustier called everyone over to the limousine Mr. Wayne had lent them for the night so they could leave for the gala.

"Let the games begin," Nino said excitedly.

Marinette's friends weren't the only ones excited for tonight, Lila knew this was going to be her night to shine, she just knew it! This was the night she would make a name for herself and make contacts with the people she already claimed to know. This is the night that would change everything, she was going to be famous!

The limousine pulled up to Wayne Manor and Lila felt her heart stutter. This was what she had to look forward to in the future: large elegant mansions, paparazzi, red carpet galas, this would all be for her someday!

The driver opened the door to the limo and Lila didn't wait for Mrs. Bustier to go out first. She discreetly shoved her teacher aside and stepped out into the spotlight. She put on her best smile and waved towards all the cameras flashing towards her.

She didn't bother to pay attention to anyone else, she was going to enjoy her spotlight and no one could stop her.

She posed for pictures, gave quotes and interviews to the press on who she was. And so what if she exaggerated her celebrity connections? They would all be wrapped around her finger by the end of the night!

Lila withheld a maniacal laugh: she was pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and no one would ever know! Well, Marinette and her group might know, but there was nothing that little goody-two-shoes could do to stop her.

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