Chapter Twenty- Pain

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Dick watched as Marinette bristled at Lila's comment, her expression switching from hurt and annoyed to completely unreadable. Her face went hard as stone and her shoulders squared, seeming to prepare herself for more hurtful insults to be aimed her way. Chloe and Adrien both stepped closer, taking either side of Marinette in a protective manner.

"Excuse me, what did you just say to her?" Jason stood over the Rossi girl, speaking perfect French, visibly intimidating not only her, but the rest of her followers.

"I'm going to give you two options here. Option One: you apologize to Marinette immediately, or Option Two: I throw you and all your little friends out onto the street like the garbage you are." Jason voiced in a low and threatening tone.

"Y-you can't do that, you're just a security guard." Alya, ever the loyal guard dog, spoke foolishly.

"Bullying is prohibited within Wayne Enterprises, something we pride ourselves on. Now, if you don't apologize to Miss Dupain-Cheng immediately I will throw you and your group out of this building and will be forced to inform Mr. Wayne of your behavior. Choose wisely." Jason's eyes narrowed and watched as the Rossi girl swallowed loudly, seemingly analyzing her options.

Lila knew that if the security guard did actually inform Bruce Wayne of her actions, then that wouldn't leave a good first impression on him. That would mean that he most likely wouldn't let her near his youngest son. She was going to have to suck up her pride and submit just this once all because of a stupid security guard that Marinette somehow made friends with in less than a minute.

"I'm sorry Marinette." She had to push the words out on gritted teeth, but it satisfied Jason enough to back off.

Marinette said nothing, choosing instead to remain unreadable, but inside she felt a bit smug. She gave a thankful nod Jason's way before focusing back on Dick as he started the tour. Tim left to attend some meetings , but Jason continued with the tour group, making sure no one wandered away from the group.

Marinette had to admit, Wayne Enterprises is very impressive. As the first half of the tour ended at the cafeteria, she sat near Dick and Jason, still having questions about the company's future plans. Adrien and Chloe sat on either side of her, unconsciously protecting her by doing so.

Tim had just walked up to their lunch table when multiple notifications went off from several phones all at the same time.

Marinette stiffened at the same time the blondes on either side of her reached for their phones, pulling up the news feed.

"This is Nadia Chamack reporting to you live from Paris's new and improved rec center where a baseball themed akuma is physically making people disappear off the face of the Earth. Let's take a closer look."

When the camera turned to the footage, Marinette flinched when she realized it was a kid that was akumatized. The Wayne boys all gasped in outrage as they looked over Adrien and Chloe's shoulders.

"I am Major League and I will destroy everyone that mocked me! It's time to show the world that I am the greatest baseball player of all time!"

It was never easy for Marinette to control her emotions when it came to the villain, each time Hawkmoth took advantage of a child's feelings it made her hate for him grow stronger.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Marinette's monotone voice broke Adrien and Chloe out of their thoughts and they immediately insisted they had to use the bathroom as well.

It wasn't the greatest excuse, but it was all they had to work with.

The Wayne's watched as they all marched down the hallway, determination surging out of them in waves as they followed their leader off to battle.

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