Chapter Twenty-Nine - Toxin

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Just wanted to let you guys know that I rated this book mature now because of how graphic the fighting scenes are.

Well this should definitely be interesting.

Talia smirked, watching her son finally leave.

Let the show begin.

Talia observed the girl as she leaned towards her two blonde friends and whispered to them. Word had reached Talia that Damian had reunited with the girl she had chosen for him. It was to be expected, the ritual she had done would eventually draw them together no matter where they were. What she had not expected was that he would actually care for the girl. Talia only wanted a way to tie Damian down and ensure an heir, not create a liability. Unfortunately, the ritual she had them perform was unbreakable.

I will make him see the truth.

Using some subtle manipulation techniques, she had directed Scarecrow towards this particular event. Talia smirked as her plan was unfolding.

I knew he never really took my lessons to heart, so I'll make this a lesson he will never forget.


Maybe this was a mistake.

Talia had been satisfied to watch as the trio of friends failed to evacuate everyone and had gotten stuck in the crossfire. The Parisian class had gotten captured and turned into hostages because the Lila girl hadn't followed directions and insisted that the Bats would be coming to save her any minute.

Marinette had tried to protect her class amidst all the chaos, but that didn't turn out very well.

Talia held her breath when Scarecrow had hit the girl with his toxin infused darts. Everyone reacts differently, the fight or flight instincts kick in and you're never quite sure how each person will react when faced with their worst fear.

She was close enough that she could see when the girl's eyes glazed over, no longer seeing what was actually in front of her.

"Are you scared little girl?" Scarecrow asked in interest. He lived off of fear, craved it. It's what made him seem so psychotic to other people.

But drawing her attention to him had obviously been the wrong thing to do.

Marinette's expression was not one of fear, but of rage.

She seemed to look around her, seeing something that no one else could and then stared at the man in front of her like she was going to tear him apart limb-by-limb.

Scarecrow backed up, startled to see her look at him that way.

"Did you really think you would get away with it, Hawkmoth?" Her voice held a threatening false calm. "That if you took everyone from me, that I would just hand it over?"

"You took my team, killed the people I love, killed the man I love the most in this world. I may not have been able to protect them, but even if I die today, I'll make sure to bring you down with me!"

The two restrained blondes yelled for the girl from where they were being held hostage by a couple goons, but she couldn't hear them. She only held eyes for Scarecrow, whom she was advancing on.

A couple of the goons tried to get in her way, both of them being taken down in seconds. Scarecrow was now backing away, seeing that he was now in actual danger from this girl.

Talia watched in morbid fascination as Scarecrow tried to pull a gun out only for his wrist to be caught in a death drip and snapped. The gun dropped with a clatter and the villain wailed in agony.

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