Chapter Eight- A Lead

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Chloe sat on her bed, eyes narrowed at her hand with a nail file in her hand as she trimmed down the broken nails until they were all the same length again, next moving on to getting the dirt and blood out from underneath them. Chloe was a perfectionist and there was no way she was going to be caught dead with a bad manicure. The pain in her wrist had faded to a dull ache and she suspected all the pain would be gone within an hour.

Luka and Kagami had taken turns dressing their wounds and Kagami had offered to do Chloe's, but Chloe preferred to wait for Marinette. Despite fighting with them against a vicious akuma, Chloe still trusted Marinette above all others and didn't want anyone else helping her. Plus she didn't want anyone to see her pain and the only person she was willing to let her guard down around was Marinette, at least for now.

It had been a half hour since they had left the rooftop when they heard a knock against Chloe's door. "Chloe, it's me and Chat."

"Come in!" Chloe shouted loud enough for Mari to hear her through the door. The door opened and Chloe froze at seeing Adrien coming in behind her."Adrikins, please tell me you are not that dork that runs around in a leather catsuit." When Adrien shrugged sheepishly, Chloe rolled her eyes, so beyond done with everything.

Chloe looked the duo up and down before saying, "I'll grab the first aid kit." For the first time since the akuma fight had ended, Marinette took a moment to look herself over. Walking over to Chloe's vanity, she could see oil stain on her face from being underneath a car, soot in her hair from the volcano, a couple scraped on her knees, a small scratch on her cheek and leftover dried blood on her shoulder from the wound that had closed.

Marinette's eyes followed her hands in the mirror as she traced over the scar on her shoulder. She had been in many fights over the years with Hawkmoth terrorizing everyone, but she had never actually gotten scared from one, and that thought terrified her because if she could get hurt, then so could the rest of her team.

Marinette's eyes went to Chloe as she came back from the bathroom, carrying the first aid kit in her non-dominant hand, something Marinette noticed instantly as her gaze went to her friend's previously broken wrist. "Does it still hurt?" Marinette couldn't help but ask her as she walked over to meet Chloe on her bed, sitting down next to her. "A little, but it's fading now." Marinette nodded understandingly, still feeling a sharp pain every now and then when she moves her shoulder too much.

Before Chloe could stop her, Marinette grabbed a hold of the kit and opened it, facing Chloe with a look that told her not to intervene. Marinette held out her hand, waiting for Chloe to show her the wrist that was injured. Chloe rolled her eyes, but handed her wrist over anyway. Marinette wrapped an ace bandage around it and gave Chloe an ice pack. Marinette then meticulously cleaned every scratch and burn that Chloe had received. "Are there any more?" Marinette asked, not wanting to miss anything.

Chloe shook her head before gesturing to Marinette, "Your turn." By this point Adrien had taken a shower, but still needed his wounds addressed so Marinette called him over.

"Adrien, come over here. Chloe's going to clean mine, so I'll take care of yours at the same time." Adrien smiled at the two girls that used to hate each other and who now seemed to be attached at the hip. Who knew that out of all of this chaos, there would be some good to all of this. Adrien sat down in front of Marinette while Chloe sat behind Marinette to clean up Mari's bloodied shoulder. The would had closed of course, but the blood that had escaped it remained. Luka and Kagami made their way over and sat on the bed too, tons of room for them to spread out since Chloe's room had a king sized bed.

Once both Marinette and Adrien's wounds were taken care of Chloe announced that Marinette had to have a shower before she would allow her to lay down because Mari was covered in oil, dirt and blood. Chloe gave her a new set of clothes and Marinette headed for the bathroom.

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