Chapter Thirteen- Brother

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 Marinette's explanation had only horrified Tim more. Knowing that there was a terrorist in Paris for years that prayed on something as common as negative feelings. He couldn't imagine the mental impact this would leave on the citizens when they had to hold in their emotions just so that they wouldn't become a monster. A city full of people that are never able to feel what they wanted to. Tim took a deep breath, absorbing everything that had been thrown at him in the past hour.

"So there's a villain named Hawkmoth that has been terrorizing Paris for over two years that nobody outside of Paris knows about. Heroes named Ladybug and Chat Noir rose up to stop him, but he's become more dangerous, so more heroes have had to join together. But why haven't they been able to bring down Hawkmoth yet?" Tim still had questions he needed ironed out, but Marinette also needed to be careful she didn't let anything out that could point to her being one of the heroes.

"Although our heroes have grown in their fighting abilities, detective work is hard to do when the villain you're trying to find hides behind his victims. The only time he's come out of hiding is when he's planned a huge attack against the city, and with his new powers it's better for the heroes to seek him out rather than wait for him now that he's more dangerous. I suspect they may be looking for a new way to draw him out this time around, but that's only a guess." Marinette told him the last part only to try and ease his concern.

Tim hummed, knowing he should probably call his father tonight and have him start looking into this. Having teenagers, no matter how experienced, fighting a terrorist did not sit well with him.

Marinette walked Tim back to his hotel, her answering his questions every once and a while until they reached the hotel's doors.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow Tim, and please get some sleep tonight. If I see you sleep deprived while on the trip, I'll know why, and I'll take your coffee away. I don't care if you need to work, your health is more important." Marinette threatened, knowing it was probably necessary to do so in order to get him to sleep. Tim gasped dramatically and Marinette's stern motherly expression broke into a smile under his theatrics.

"You mean to say I have bedtime again? I thought those days were over." Tim whined like a child, sluggishly making his way towards the hotel doors.

"Not when you don't take care of yourself, goodnight Tim!" Marinette called out to him one last time before he waved back and went through the doors.

On her walk back to her house, she couldn't help but wonder why she felt so protective of the boy. He was clearly older than her and there was no logical reason as to why she should be feeling this way. Marinette simply shook her head and went home to pack her bag, not bothering to dwell on it too much.

It took awhile for her to pack everything up, especially since she had to pack some of her sewing things and a commission that she was supposed to deliver in America to someone named Jason Todd. The man was very enthusiastic in his email to be getting a commission from MDC and that it was a miracle to be able to get her contact information from a friend of his before the Wayne Gala approached. When she was finally done packing, she had two full suitcases and a carry on luggage that she would have to take with her.

Marinette was cautious to take a sleeping pill before she went to bed, wanting to prevent any nightmares, at least for tonight. It had worked for the most part, she had a dreamless night, but she woke up still tired from the night before.

Once again, she had woken up at the crack of dawn, but this time she stayed in bed to stare up at the ceiling and gather the strength to face the day ahead of her. She knew she was going to have to go through multiple hours of enduring Lila's lies on a plane where she couldn't escape, and that thought alone made her groan in dread. She wasn't sure she had the tolerance to endure it today: she was one day closer to getting rid of Hawkmoth and she didn't want to have to deal with anymore problems.

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