Chapter 6

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Sleep was the only thing that could make anyone happy. But when you get woken up by a loud voice all you want to do is rip their heads off.

Raising my head from Kawaii-kun's shoulder I looked towards the voice to see a man. A man I wanted to rip his head off.

"Hime how did you sleep?" Kawaii-kun asked looking into my eyes with the same emotion he always has when I look at his eyes.

"Great Kawaii-kun, but meany over there woke Chi up." I puffed up my cheeks and folded my arms like a stubbern girl.

"Really what were you dreaming of Chi-hime?" asked Kankuro while a smirk was on his face, making me want to slap him.

"Chi was dreaming of her Kawaii-kun of course, and dango." I cheered while wrapping my arms around Kawaii-kun's neck.

"Aaaawww so adorable!!!!!" squealed Temari from her seat.

"Hey you group in the back listen up or I'll make sure you don't take the exam you twerps!" boomed the man that woke me up from my dream of Kawaii-kun and dango.

"You will learn to hold your tongue or I'll make sure you wont have one to use again." smiling with the smile of my true beast I start using Chime.

Chime is the blood eye, it's said that one in every 100 years of the Ketsueki clan a child is born with it. Chime is an eye jutsu that makes it feel as if you're seeing all your loved ones death. Then soon your own death will be shown in multiple ways, but if put in the kenkai genkai for about an hour will make your blood feel like it were burning you and flowing out in waves through any possible openings. It's said that if under the chime to long that the victim will eventually die from blood lose. Also Chime is the name of one of the voices in my head.

I was about to put him under the chime until Kawaii-kun stopped me.

"Hime you need to control yourself or they'll suspect something and we wont finish the mission. Meaning I wont be happy Hime, would that make you happy?" Kawaii-kun said with a slight pout making me tear up a bit.

"NO! Kawaii-kun wont be sad! Chi will do anything for Kawaii-kun so Kawaii-kun wont cry and make Chi cry. Chi loves her Kawaii-kun!" I said wrapping my arms around Kawaii-kun's neck.

"SO CUTE!!!!" squealed Temari again.

"You girl what's your name." asked the man infront of the room.

I smirked.

"Chi is Princess Chi Ketsueki, monster and weapon of the Ketsueki clan." I said as I still had my arms around Kawaii-kun's neck but with my head resting on his shoulder.

Yes I know it's short but I got into where I wanted to be so I'm good and all of you remember I don't edit any of my work so I just wrote this from the top of my head at 5 at night on my computer that is acting slow today. So hope you enjoy and if there's some type of error please tell me I don't look back at my work.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now