Chapter 16

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Kan-baka started to take down "crow" from his back when he decided to act cool.

"Then I also... will end this quickly." with that said Kan-baka put "crow" on the floor but the ugly dude was to impatient and made the first move.

"I won't give you the chance to do anything!!" screamed the dude while trying to hit Kan-baka with the side of his fist. Though what interested me was that his arm started to become more flexible than it should be.

"What?" Kan-baka specially said getting himself wrapped up by the bendy dude.

"In order to gather information, my body has been altered...... to be able to fit into any space. So I can keep squeezing until I break your bones. If you don't give up I'll keep squeezing harder..."

-----______----- Was my face. Even I thought that was not child friendly talk and I'm Chi. It's sad to know that most people probably didn't think anything about it at all.

"It's alright Hime...... even I know that wasn't the right thing to say when you're hugging another man." whispered Kawaii-kun in my ear making me swoon.

"I don't know what kind of ninja tools you use......but you can't do anything like this. But try something funny and I won't wait until you give up. I'll break your neck immediately. Hurry up and give up." this dude really had to think before he said his alone in a room talk. I was feeling really uncomfortable with knowing that it could be two lover's talking to each other.

It wasn't until I heard Kan-baka's chuckle that I was brought back to the fight.

"No way."

Kan-baka really needs to learn better lines to get people to think he was a bad ass.

"Do you want to die?" the kinky dude said while doing more sadistic lover things to Kan-baka.

"You're the one who's gonna die." That line obviously got the dude more mad and made him snap "Kan-baka's " neck. Obviously neither Kawaii-kun or me made much of an expression. Te-nee just looked down at the match as if nothing really happened.

The leaf on the other hand looked scared skittle-less that their eyes looked as if they would pop out of their heads.

"His neck is broken..." said the kid with the reeeeeaaaaaallllllly buuuushy eyebrows and was next to the guy with the blonde hair and orange jumpsuit.

"Bah... stupid..." Kawaii-kun said looking at Kan-baka irritated.

There was more talking but I wasn't really paying attention since I was to busy looking at my Kawaii-kun's face and admiring how Kawaii-he was so close up.

I could hear that Kan-baka made the truth come out with showing that it wasn't really him that was in the kinky position with the dude but crow was and that he was where crow should have been. Though what made it sound weird was Kan-baka saying how soft the dudes body was.

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now