Chapter 23

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It was time for the final exam of the chunin exams. Or so Kawaii-kun has told me. I was holding onto Kawaii-kun's hand when he started to squeezed my hand more than he usually would.

I turn to look at him to see that he was looking up to where this room was but when I looked at the room I saw that the Kazekage was there. I frowned at him remembering all the bad things I had to go through because of him. It was so horrible that I was scarred for life.

'Hmmm that son of a man................ he made Ba-tou take away my chocolate for a week because I apparently killed an important man that had something to do with the village and was very wealthy and blah blah-blah................. hehehe Dracula says blah blah-blah.' I thought forgetting what I was saying before. Maybe I should see a doctor for my horrible short term memory. I'm able to remember all my past involving Kawaii-kun but other things not so much. Hmmm things must not be important then. I was too busy thinking this when I was interrupted by some people talking.

There was talking that I'm pretty sure involved with what was supposed to happen. And the Hokage was talking with some words coming out of his mouth that made a sentence.

'Maybe we should listen to what other people are saying...' Chime said as she was the more mature of the three of us.

'NOOOOOO! That means we'll have to understand what they're talking about and hear words that have letters in them, and make sentences, which will eventually make a paragraph. Then there'll be more paragraphs that will be said.' Jeff whined that really sounded smart coming from him that didn't involve killing. Maybe I should think a bit more than Jeff or else I would be just like him. Maybe that would be a good thing? Then again I would rather be like this since I don't want to make Kawaii-kun sad.

I was brought out of my thinking when I felt Kawaii-kun's hand twitch at something that a dude with a stick in his mouth said.( Now now don't go thinking nasty thoughts you nasties) I think it was some weed thing. Or it could be a senbon, I don't really know I could be completely wrong for all I know. I ended up getting bored at looking at the dudes weird thing-a-ma-bob and decided to look at something else.

I was looking at the sky when I was being dragged to some stairs when I looked back to see that the blonde stayed and a boy with long hair with him. Luckies...... they get to fight and make the other bleed until they might die.

'Are you really thinking that because you wanted to fight first...' Chime said as she sighed at my awesome behavior.

"Hime are you ready to get some more blood...." Kawaii-kun said as he looked down at me from the side of his eye. I looked at him and saw that he had his sadistic smile on is face. Oooh how I love that smile when it comes to fighting.

"Chi is always ready Kawaii-kun......" I sighed looking at how his face instantly went from a killers face to a loving one. How can anyone resist such a kawaii person I have no idea.

I watched as the blonde made solid clones of himself and took out kunais and had each clone say one word of his sentence and charged to attack the long haired boy.

The long haired boy though had a good reflex and dodged all of the blondes attacks and destroyed all of the clones. Leaving the original.

They yelled out some words and some screaming when the blonde made more clones than he did last time. But really there was a lot of talking between the two before they even attacked each other. But even with all the talking the long hair boy had good agility and a very advanced defense that was a bit interesting. The blonde would trick the long hair with his clones and making me itch with the anticipation of getting my first drop of blood.

I was jumping up and down just waiting for either of them to drop a single drop of blood. I only needed one drop for me to be able to copy the red, white blood cells and the platelets. One drop will give me the copy that I want and I will make sure that I get it.

There............. the fresh smell of blood....................................... it was the blonde's blood. I quickly raised my left hand since my right was holding onto Kawaii-kun's hand. I made the blood travel on the ground and come towards me, when it reached my fingertips I knew that the blonde was different. He was just like Kawaii-kun, he had something locked up inside of him.

I looked down at the blonde as he was collecting chakra from his beast when I quickly started to make hand signs. I was creating his blood clone................ my new blood clone that has now been added to my collection. I will now have all of your techniques and any new techniques that you will learn. You will be my new blood clone blondie.

Kawaii-kun noticed the changes in the blonde because of his confused face towards the blonde. I looked back at the blonde when I noticed how the beasts chakra was getting a bit out of control, until the blonde controlled it and really it amazed me how he was able to do that without a sensei teaching him how.

The two collided with each other with the blonde promising to change the clan of the long hair. As the smoke drifted away from the collision the long hair came out of the hole saying some weird words that I didn't want to process in my head. Though shocking everyone the blonde came out of the ground and gave the long hair a big upper cut making him fly back and stay laying on the ground.

Then I quickly jumped up again just at the sight of the long hair spilling his own blood. I raise my left hand again and quickly collected his blood and making my own blood clone of him. As I looked down hoping that there was more blood somewhere that I missed I was instantly bored.

They were talking about the stuff that involved more words. I really don't like words in a fight. It gets to complicated. It should just be fight and win, but apparently that's too much for leaf ninjas.

The older guy shouted out that the blonde was the winner making me sigh in relief that the match was finally over.

At least all that talking was over, now I can collect more blood.

"Hime the blonde's blood......... was there something odd about it...." Kawaii-kun whispered as he looked at me wanting to know why the blonde acted the way he did.

"He's a monster too Kawaii-kun............. he's just like us....." I mumbled looking at him.

Alright my sister decided that I should update this story then my kuroko no basket and then my other naruto story. So hopefully you guys will wait for the kuroko no basket update.

So if you would.....



And follow me................. like a stalker.............

Blood Is Love? (Gaara love story) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now